• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Thank you so much, perfect explanation.

    Do you keep the stuff on your phone then? how does syncthing handles deleting if you’re deleting? did you set up the folder as send only?

    I’m working on setting it up for me to do so:

    1. Manually move some pics on my phone to “Inbox” folder (To be sorted in albums later)
    2. Syncthing will automatically sync “Inbox” and “Camera” folders to “Syncthing Consume”
    3. A job to copy from “Syncthing Consume” to “Immich Consume”
    4. Immich Go will move everything to Immich
    5. Anything in the Inbox Album will get sorted to different albums at some point
    6. Eventually anything that isn’t synced will be removed from my phone

  • (except I manually sort through my photos on a semi-weekly basis before I upload it to Immich).

    I think that would be a better approach if I weren’t very lazy, I think even after the initial run I could do that since I don’t take lots of pictures but I was thinking about a fire and forget sort of thing.

    If you want, I can cook up a little Python script you could stick into Cron to do all the tasks you described.

    Thank you so much, I asked ChatGPT and it generated the bat file below (since I’m using Windows) do you think this would work?

    @echo off
    REM Change directory to your photos folder
    cd /d "C:\path\to\your\photos\folder"
    REM Sync files to backup folder
    robocopy . "C:\path\to\your\Camera_Backup" /mir /xo
    REM Delete files older than 15 days
    forfiles /p "C:\path\to\your\photos\folder" /s /m *.* /d -15 /c "cmd /c if @isdir==FALSE del @file"
    REM Upload assets using immich cli
    immich upload "C:\path\to\your\Camera_Backup" -r -a --delete