Husband, Father, IT Pro, service.

If I ask a lot of questions, I might understand why.

  • 8 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 12th, 2023


  • Sorry for confusion. I use Sophos utm as a WAF for exchange. Basically reverse proxy that is specifically programmed for exchange attacks. It allows OWA to keep working.

    I put the exchange admin URL behind authentication, so you try to go to /ecp, it Sophos intercepts and make you authenticate to Sophos utm first, which is passing to ad with radius.

    MS got rid of intune on prem. It’s only Azure service now. I think.

    My router is my biggest vuln. Oddly the most important. It’s an enterprise ISR. It’s updated as far as possible. My paranoia ends with the US gov/NSA. I don’t care if they want back door oddly. I don’t want China using me for attack relay however.

    Loads of monitoring. You do a span/mirror port to your IDS like security Onion. Let it analyze all your traffic. Apparently there are some state sponsored exploits that allow them to owe a router at kernel level and hide their activities from you and monitoring, but that’s a level I can’t deal with.

    As far as lock out, you create a break glass on everything. Emergency account with non rememberable ridiculous password, saved in a safe place.

  • One of my senators supported the marriage act and voted for it, the other didn’t. I don’t know them personally, but at least one was for it.

    I’m not sure if he hates an entire group of people or not. I don’t like that they won’t just support it, treat people as the same, and get the whole thing put to bed.

    I’d love to support a different senator who had proper values about this specific topic, but didn’t also contrast with other topics.

    Why does this matter? Do you think my voting decision affects over generalizing a whole group?

    Clearly there is division amount that party where some are not bogits.

    Sometimes things aren’t all or nothing.

    1. Exchange on prem 😳
    2. Both mdm,.Ms intune, and just installing the root cert manually in trusted store. You don’t have to root Android for that. It presents some warnings, appropriate.
    3. My Sophos is self contained. It does radius against active directory. It wants IPS and other updates though.

    I guess the firmware is as good as possible. All network devices are just computers and can be exploited. I use a Cisco router as my actual gateway. Sophos is inline after that.

    Privacy. 🤔

    Not much. I have certain traffic go through a VPN to the Internet, but that’s split tunneled.

    I use incognito? That doesn’t really do anything, ha.

    I’m slowly killing web browser tracking and cookie stuff that group policy allows.

  • Your attitude is poor, or at least your assumption is inaccurate. I understand you want me to admit I haven’t personally voted for a politician based on their stance regarding that issue. Why? If I haven’t personally voted for someone because they supported that topic, then I hate people and am an bigot?

    I did read it. The point was that there were a lot more supporters in the party, meaning they don’t all hate a group of people based on bigotry. Some at least try, that’s better than rounding them all up in camps as fascist governments might do to a group they want to exterminate.

    I’m limited to the people I’m presented with.

  • Sorry, lastly:

    This conversation being geared towards: (why vote for some things aligned with republican?) also omits all the things that would likely align with American democratic party, and personal beliefs and opinions that expand on why. Those things reveal life experience, compassion, empathy, compromise, etc. None of that is represented in a single what do you agree with exchange. Making the whole thing relate back to why a republican lady doesn’t like trump. It’s also why I don’t judge people soley on which button they push (d/r).

  • It’s already illegal. How much more conservative can you get? If this is a reason to vote Republican, you must want to arrest women who have miscarriages just in case. Generally not a reason to vote Republican anymore.

    That’s a terrible assumption of my stance on abortion. Keeping this super easy, I just don’t like it. One party is against it, one is for it.

    Republicans don’t. They just killed their own border bill. Not a reason to vote Republican.

    Yeah, in this election, terrible political moves for party shenanigans over the general good. But surprise. Generally, the two parties won’t compromise and fix immigration, so one tries to bypass the issue by not preventing crossing. The other tries to avoid fixing it by putting up a fence. The lesser of two evils for me until the policy gets fixed is a fence. Sorry. Like I said, I want immigration fixed, but until then…

    “aid Russia and Israel as much as possible”

    I assume you mean Ukraine? I want Ukraine supported, Rs did that until they got pissed about all the money/long. Not sure about Israel/Pal. Long term bad stuff over there I don’t fully understand. I don’t support mass killings of people in the streets, bombings, rockets, bulldozing people’s houses, etc. That statement says I don’t support either group since they’ve both been doing those things from what I can tell. Each’s reasons why gets at the root causes, much bigger discussion.

    There’s more to it than those two recent conflict.

    You mean the thing you’ve already had to do my entire 20+ years of voting in the U.S.? Not a reason to vote Republican.

    Well, that’s why I disagree with any political initiative to frame that as discrimination. It’s not. Otherwise, driving, buying alcohol, renting cars, etc is also all discrimination because you have to have a driver’s license. Some localities have worked to allow non-residents to vote. Doesn’t make sense to me.

    Republicans want zero controls. Zero. Not a reason to vote Republican.

    Disagree. I think you missed the part about I disagree with eliminating guns as the main initiative. I would be more sided with the D party on guns if they would stop talking about banning assault riffles as one of the main fixes.

    As far as I can tell, you have not given a single good reason to vote Republican.

    Reason for you I guess. So far, you haven’t given me any reason to think that every person who votes for that party is a fascist, hates women, hates poor people, etc.

  • You didn’t answer some of my questions asking for more clarification on some of those issues. I’m curious.

    Most of that I have to Google/lookup. Im around a ton of highly conservative or Republican claiming people, but I don’t hear some of what you’re talking about.

    I also don’t spend any time with actual politicians to know what they believe versus when they fall in line with party bs.

    I wonder what removing funding from the political system would achieve. No more superpacs?

  • I don’t, not all of them. Unlike some, I don’t push a D/R button. I cherry pick. If both candidates suck, I pass. Does it help or matter, no. My state votes red.

    I won’t personally push the button for someone I think is a piece of crap.

    But, the point I was making is there’s a range of politicians in these parties. Some chose a party affiliation out of necessity and funding, others are extremely polarized. I think there’s both participants on both sides.

    I think people vote for one of these two groups again out of a lack of choice.

    I don’t think all people who claim Republican are Nazis, fascists, etc. especially when you compare that’s to historical instances of the past.

    I also don’t think all Democrats are communists, extremists etc, same.

    I find most people want the same things, love, safety, material shit, etc. they differ widely on their greed levels, placing blame for their own problems or other people’s issues, etc.