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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 14th, 2024

  • If you like romance literature, I can name a few, but suffice to say, my favorite narrators are really great at lending each character their own tones, inflections, and cadence, while not being too disracting to listen too.

    In traditional reading, you get used to the idea that (“) before a sentence indicates that what follows is said aloud by a character, and you often don’t need any context to figure out who said what. And the (”) at the end indicates that what follows isn’t said by them. Your brain hardly even notices them and yet you very rarely are reading dialogue without knowing its speaker, unless its the purpose of the author that you don’t.

    Any narrator who can help convey the concept of quotation marks as seamlessly as my brain can while reading text is very appreciated in my books.

  • Which is a real doozy when you think about the duplicity it is to no longer allow a convicted citizen the right to vote, which is so strongly held by some people on all sides, almost evenly I’d say.

    How it must feel, to be so cool to allow yourself the privilege of not participating, just like the criminals politics generates. 😎

    Football Jerseys from a bygone era on Saturdays isn’t the only indicator that someone never really grew beyond highschool.

  • Exactly. The source and the setting make the difference, not the looks.

    Some big wig isn’t going to raise a hand in a board meeting and ask to go to the bathroom. Why not? Because they’re an executive and this isn’t a school room.

    I’ve not once ever heard or seen represented any person ask something like that… likely because its pretty easy to have the social skills to know better. So why are there so many loud men who want tk instead blame their looks when its just a refusal to abide by the same social skills?

  • No I’m saying yeah that is the thing that exists right now, and for some people that’s the only way that they can have / use a phone.

    Between planned obsolescence and how careless and demanding in resources even phone apps are becoming now, cheap phones are as bad as really old phonesn

    All I know is that maybe instead of putting a law like this in we’re going to just add the price somewhere else I say we just shut all these companies down and run this cell phone towers ourselves since all of our tax money has been going to these companies for them to build all these things that they don’t ever build or they build the bare minimum to get away with nobody taking the money back and it’s fucked up

  • Racism takes root out of people’s fear, and that fear is genuine, although likely obscurred.

    Fear that can lead to racism can just simply be a genuine “other race will hurt me” But I’d argue thats only true for the people starting out with the lowest of the low in mental capacity.

    More often though, the fear that leads to racist values and occasionally genuine fear of another race is a fear of death.

    All it takes is for someone a person holds in high enough reguard convincing them that death might be coming sooner because of “the others”.

    And death in the broadest sense of not just a loss of life, but also losing ones way of life. From there, you can point out whatever “others” you’d like, and the bigger the group you can simply define, the more efficient it is. And the dumber a person, the easier it happens.

    I’d include bigotry, sexism, even greed boil down to that too.

  • There’s the kicker. Cause I firmly believe that, with more education (not indoctrination) by itself, conservativism would be made up entirely of the lowest 10% of intelligence, and those in the upper 0.5% of wealth (well, those who aren’t already included from the former).

    Cause no way in hell do this many regular average people care that greatly about the latest week’s GOP bullshit. Not a chance. Its fear that motivates them to seek a solution, but lack of education that makes it so effective at falling for.

    We gotta live with them, so we better figure out how to teach adults who don’t have to be in school for years. Or learn how to live with needing to kill or exile them.