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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2023


  • Lmao apple is the same company that points their heat sink fans at the glue that holds the entire MacBook together. Do some deep dives on their hardware. You only get what you pay for if you pay for the logo, which is the case for most Apple users.

    I’ve had Mac, I’ve had Windows, and I still prefer present day enshittified fucking Microsoft. Apple only “pays off” if you utilize their entire connectivity suite which, spoiler alert, is just as bad an idea as Google-ifying your entire life except it’s also more expensive. MacBook + iPhone + Apple Music + Apple Video + iCloud is the ecosystem they want you to live in, and they put in a ton of effort to make that the only viable option if you use their products. Everything is proprietary, and they control the prices. You think that laptop charger on their site is worth $100? It is to you, because you need it to charge your shit and theyre the only ones who sell them. Any other machine would have the same hardware for $20-$50. People who buy Apple products are a) power users whose idea of computer capabilities is about 15 years old and b) people who buy Apple because everyone else has them. Better products exist. If you think your manufacturer of choice is the objective best at everything it does, you need to stop drinking the Flavor-Aid. I don’t care what manufacturer, but Apple is the worst offender by far of this.

    Cut the umbilical cord. Free yourself.

  • I love Fallout and played 3, NV, and 4 avidly. It’s a good adaptation. A little campy, but it feels like something made by people who know and love the source material. And with the goofy moments come some real nasty aspects of the wasteland laid bare with no question as to how nasty it is, even in the first couple episodes.

    The Vaults setup was unique enough to feel new, but fit the Vault-Tec MO nicely. 4 felt generic, but I think it was mainly included for people who didn’t play the games so they could get a general vibe.

    The subtle nods are nice, with enough items and mechanics from the games peppered through to make it feel like part of the universe. Some are on the nose like Sugarbombs, but I’ve recognized generic NPC armor from the games on extras in the background.

    It was also odd but fun to see game mechanics work in real time, like seeing drugs heal a grievous injury

    If you want an adaptation of Fallout story it may fall short with the lighter stuff. But if you want an adaptation of a Fallout playthrough I think you’re I for a good time.

  • This isn’t just content people want and Blizz doesn’t want to give because it wouldn’t be profitable, it’s an entire half of the game that was advertised since announcement. A lot of people got the game with the assumption it was coming. It wouldn’t be “live service” if they’d included it from day one like they promised. It would only get looped into that because the “new content” should have been in there from the start. It’s Blizz reaping the benefits of an empty promise but wanting none of the blame when people call them out.

  • I have played HL1 and HL 2 and I still have like 5 more in my backlog. I have no idea what HL 2 Episode 1 and 2 are, Black Mesa is just HL1 HD I think, Deathmatch is multiplayer I think, Deathmatch: Source is in my library too whatever that is, Alyx exists but is only VR I think…

    Idk I got into half life thinking I had 2 games to play and now I have no idea what these other games in my library are. Going to have to do a deep dive soon.

  • I don’t think it’s about choice of food so much as it is variety. They can catch mice, lizards, birds, even insects in the wild, and each meal tastes different than the last. In the house, it’s often the same salty kibble all day every day. Or the same meat mush. I don’t think any creature would want that for literally their whole lives. It’s not even the same kind of bird or anything. Just a processed mass of homogenous food-flavored material.

  • “But there’s 4 different flavors!” 4 different flavors of the same slop is better, but not by much. I’m reaching that point and it’s gotten to where I legit feel bad for not cooking for my pets. I’m starting to look into seasoning options so I can at least switch things up a bit more for them. And some way to add different textures, so it’s at least mildly engaging