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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • I’m on the other side of the fence.

    Heartbreak and wasted time is a small price to pay for finding someone to share your life and love with.

    Our society values individualism to such a degree, that the idea of sacrificing something for someone you love seems unfair or that you’re “losing” something.

    I’ve noticed it with people I’ve dated that are western. Nothing wrong with it, it’s just different.

    But it never sat well with me. Seems a bit transactional…

    Admittedly my culture is different, so that’s probably why I don’t mind compromise. In a way, it’s an expected part of life. And so we work with that instead of fighting it.

    That said, there are fundamental aspects of who I am that I cannot compromise on. Because if I did, I’d end up resenting the person I’m supposed to love.

    /mild rant

  • As I replied further up the thread, it’s an investigative process. I used to be a part of that community a very long time ago before I chose to throw my life away for about 10 years.

    I grew up in a muslim household, and if people knew what went on in those families, they would understand when I say I don’t generally associate with that crowd. Similar to how you feel about Buddhists.

    I can’t speak for the predatory behaviour, because back in the early 2000’s it was all bush doofs and lsd. Or maybe I didn’t notice.

    I’m surprised to hear that a portion of that community has turned towards the right wing. I hadn’t heard that before. That’s actually fucking insane. Maybe they’re not as anti-racist as I had assumed.

    As for the “woo-woo”, I don’t particularly subscribe to much of that, but I am agnostic, and find that crowd at least willing to discuss things around that idea. Can’t say I’ve had any luck finding people into that sort of thing in the circles I’ve travelled the last 8 or so years. I don’t subscribe to Identity Politics, so I’m generally unwelcome in Progressive circles despite being left wing myself.

    Appreciate the info though.

  • I was just interested in gaining a better understanding of it myself. I’m aware of the “woo-woo” crunch insanity that proliferates in those circles. I’m agnostic, and the only people who I can find that are of a similar persuasion tend to collect at those sorts of events.

    Before the “fall”, that used to be my community. I can’t say I belived everything that was popular in that world, but I enjoyed the open minded-ness of the people I met through it. I ended up engaged to someone from that world.

    The “Metal Community” here is pretty fucking racist, despite what some may say. So I don’t do so well there. That’s the only other subculture that I would like to be a part of.

    The new age hippies are pretty chill when it comes to race.

    As it currently stands, I belong no-where. And I’m capable of sniffing out snake oil salesmen/women.