FuckyWucky [none/use name]

Pro-stealing art without attribution

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 21st, 2023


  • money has to be backed by the state so if bitcoiners really want bitcoin to be used in everyday transactions, i would suggest running for President and replacing U.S. Dollar with Bitcoin for tax payments/legal tender.

    how will the state obtain Bitcoins? by building massive resource wasting mining farms which itll have to issue bitcoin bonds to build, making the state subservient to the private bond markets and interest rate it demands, Greek style.

    there is massive plague and the economy has collapsed? what will the state do? cant give people money or increase healthcare spending because the capacity of the state to mobilize resources is now limited by what the private sector is willing to give it or how much it can mine. oops mass death.

    bitcoiners have to be dumbest creatures alive.

  • I don’t agree with either, tbh. I don’t support the latest tweet because I don’t believe America needs to “lead the world” in EVs or solar panels, it’s American exceptionalist nonsense.

    Also, tariffs don’t necessarily mean American people pay for them. China doesn’t pay for tariffs, obviously. They can sell to other countries or for domestic use instead if Americans don’t wish to import their goods.

    If the tariffs are imposed along with an increased state role in domestic production of EVs and solar panels, with proper planning like China did, the U.S. could achieve domestic production of the same quality in long run.

    But in reality, there won’t be any proper planning. The U.S. government is incompetent. So, you’ll end up having inferior, overpriced cars.

  • Step back for a moment, and the suggested policy change is remarkable. One of the most distinguished living economists is rejecting what’s been one of the most fundamental principles of economics for more than 200 years: comparative advantage. If a country can manufacture goods at lower costs than you can, you shouldn’t raise tariff barriers. Instead, you should import the goods, and send back something in return where your industry is more efficient.

    This is nonsense. China (or the US) didn’t get where they are with free trade.