Ya found me! 💕

  • Plants don’t have nerve endings, nervous systems or brains to process fear/pain. There is no comparison between 🐔’s & 🥔’ s.

  • Eating 🥩 because you enjoy it is the moral equivalent of watching 🐶 fighting because you enjoy it.

  • Feeding a cow for years, then killing it for only a handful of meals is wildly inefficient. ♻️

  • Studies link meat to heart disease, strokes, diabetes and pancreatic cancer.🫀

  • Beans are cheap af. 💵

(vegan btw)

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • In November 2022, McCormick noticed a news report detailing an “unauthorized and unlicensed cannabis farm, located on unincorporated land,” that was raided by members of the Riverside County Sheriff’s Office. McCormick then met with members of the sheriff’s office to provide paperwork showing the legality of his cannabis farm.

    At around 4:30 a.m. local time on December 7, McCormick was woken up by members of the sheriff’s office as they began their raid.

    Fuck! He proactively went to show his legal status and all that did was put himself on their radar.

    However, the sheriff’s office was informed by members of the tribe that they were not authorized to conduct the raid on their land. In turn, members of the sheriff’s office said the tribal members “didn’t know what they were talking about,” the lawsuit said.

    Much of McCormick’s property and cannabis plants were destroyed during the raid and officers confiscated $300,000 from the tribe’s safe.

    Outright theft. They had no jurisdiction and didn’t care that they didn’t.

    Additionally, the lawsuit said that on January 8, 2023, McCormick’s "family home ‘mysteriously’ caught fire, after the sheriff’s office ordered power and water to his property to be turned off, resulting in the home “being completely burned down,” along with much of his personal belongings.

    Why would the water be shut off?! Goddamnit. Every part of this article is infuriating, nothing about this was law enforcement, just armed thugs raiding locals for fun and profit.

  • Lol sure, but wealthy straight cis white men have always had full right to marry, arms, or vote. Every other group of people has had to argue for those freedoms, while others are considered the “default person”.

    Do trans people vote for someone that will allow them Healthcare or the one calling their existance pedophilia? That’s not a choice, but it’s a position many trans people are uniquely in. Just as black Americans had to argue for their freedom, to vote, to self protection. Just as women have to vote and own property. Just as queer folk have to marry.

    Indifference to these situations means you’re rights are so taken for granted that they will never be stripped away, so you are afforded the luxury of swing both parties the same

  • Because it’s a very silly question, one that I’m not going to entertain because…

    Do you really think this person is out renting a steam roller? And trying to find the street address of that person now?!

    You are steching so hard to call this a violent threat when it could not be more silly. You’re not motivated by “preventing violence”, because the entire premise here is ridiculous at face value. You’re motivated by wanting to call trans people unstable.

    Go tell your friends, your boss, your family you stopped someone from getting killed by a steam roller by saying “tut tut, ur crazy” on the internet. You know damn well they are gonna laugh at you.

  • Astrology is fun if you don’t take it seriously. Same with tarot. I’m a 100% atheist but I do a tarot reading every night before bed to help with abstract reflection on the day. It means nothing, but it’s makes me look at things from a different angle.

    If she wants to do a star chart for you then just relax and have fun. It’s a way for you two to talk about your lives and a conversation starter. She likes you dude, and if you take the opportunity to lecture about why this is silly then are really doing is sending red flags that you’ll talk down to her whenever you might disagree.

    Edit: I see a lot of self reporting for thinking others are inferior for enjoying these things. Y’all should rethink your biases perhaps. But I am walking away and ignoring this thread now, I have reached my daily intake of sodium chloride for the day.

  • When there’s stories about Cruise taxis stopping in an intersection and the response is an overwhelming flood of “ban all self-driving cars!”, it causes proponents to get overly defensive.

    But the problem is those events are happening. People are wanting to strangle that baby because the kid is causing harm in the real world. The cars DO need to be taken off the streets, but that doesn’t mean they should be outlawed. However, they absolutely are not fit for public service. As someone who has “driven” a Tesla while it was “Full Self Driving”, and I gotta tell ya that it just can’t handle the rules of the road. It’s not better than a human. We can adapt to new situations on the fly, but a self driving car can only operate in certain parameters.

    While I sympathize that there is nothing you can do about this, the real fault lies with the companies putting vehicles on the road before they are ready. Without a doubt, someday they will be. But as corporations push this out the door in the rush to be the first and the new name brand, they do so at the public expense. It’s the root problem for the cycle of backlash, resentment and defensiveness.