Orientation: Aromantic Asexual (AroAce)

Identity + Gender Modality: Agender + Isogender (Please note I don’t identify as cis or Trans)

Pronouns: Use any, Idc, *mostly doesn’t really matter to me (just not it/its).

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • or else you will get sick and weak and die.

    Hasn’t happened to me yet, I haven’t taken any hormones since I was around 14/15 (for less than about two weeks too) and I’m mostly fine. You may be right though I’ve had people tell me that it’s not good and I should do something about it but knowing me I probably won’t and it’ll be an issue for future Riley to deal with.

    Context: have a genetic condition that causes very low androgen levels, not completely depleted but low enough that it’s not much different. I was prescribed T when I was younger but I did not continue taking it because it make me feel sick and lots of other factors I’m not getting into right now.

  • Famous quote I remember:

    “All clothing is gender neutral if you stop being a little bitch about it”

    I don’t know who said it but I remember the quote well, and it’s true. Ultimately clothing is just cloth, it doesn’t have any intrinsic gender to it. We are the ones who assign gender to clothing, and we can ignore or remove that assignment if we choose.

  • They’re not trying to say its “turning people trans” they’re saying it’s disrespectful and toxic to try and break other people’s eggs. People need to discover themselves at their own pace, they know who they are best and what they want for themselves. People don’t have the right to try and decide a person’s gender for someone else, that’s wrong.

  • How is this not enough? This is straight from the light novel spinoff about her. She gave herself HRT by sheer force of will, and you still argue that is cis behavior?

    Yes, yes I do. Because when one calls themselves a boy that needs to be respected, because the key part about identities being valid is how people say what they are, not that they “don’t act entirely cis”. Again like I said before head-canon away but don’t force it on others or attack people for following canon, or even god forbid enjoying and identifying with felix as a Femboy.

    Also that idea of people “not acting cis” does indeed violate the Egg prime directive, I sincerely hope you don’t do that with real people because it can end up being very hurtful and disrespectful to them. It’s important to look at other people’s gender as something personal and specific to them, and not something that can be semantically categorized and resolved without taking their feelings and how they identify into consideration.

  • Egg Prime Directive, you NEVER try to crack someone else’s egg. It is imperative to respect people’s gender identities always, that means listening to them, even if they don’t conform to traditional gender norms. If a person is taking HRT to look fem but says they’re male, then they’re male, it’s valid. No one has the right to argue that he’s semantically a trans woman, because gender identity is ultimately based on how one identifies, not ones actions, choices, or desires.

  • This post is extremely disrespectful to transmascs and gender nonconforming individuals, and just in general gives really awful vibes.

    First of all this assumes that a person must be transfem or a woman to want, have, or work to get these things. This is not correct. A person may desire any of these things while identifying as female, male, or even Get this, NonBinary, yeah wild isn’t it. That’s because presentation and gender identity are separate things altogether.

    Which is also the reason why this phrase

    -ability to wear adorable clothes

    Is flat out wrong, because gender and presentation are not the same. In addition this take is extremely harmful and reinforces gender stereotypes. I know people are starting to think that’s not a real thing and that only terfs say that, but reinforcing gender stereotypes is a real thing and it’s really disrespectful both to trans and GNC people.

    -ditch your angry, masculine mannerisms

    This is both hurtful to transmasc people and is just in general extremely misandristic. You should be ashamed of yourself, this hating men thing is grossly reminiscent of TERF rhetoric.

    -decimate your fapping addiction

    Ignoring the fact that this assumes the viewer even has one in the first place (which many won’t) this isn’t even really true, because estrogen affects different people’s sex drive differently, some may lose that urge, but for others it may be just as strong, some might be even stronger. I have no personal experience (and I don’t plan on it) this is mostly gathered from things I’ve read online and the experiences my trans friends have shared with me, so take that how you will.

    -improved mental state

    This really depends, is E what this person wants? If so then yes it certainly would, but if they don’t it would probably cause the opposite effect. It can lead to an improvement, but only if the person wants it and the affects that come with it, but if they don’t want it, then it’s not going to be a good experience for them.

  • Can we please stop propagating this shit, it’s been shown canonically that Felix isn’t trans. If you want to headcanon them that way go for it, but realize that it is a headcanon and not some deeper truth, that means don’t force it on people or say they’re misgendering or being “transphobic” for not following or believing in a headcanon. I see way too many comments on Reddit devolve into toxicity because people end up trying to push a headcanon onto others and start a fight because someone isn’t willing to accept what is ultimately a headcanon.