• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Us dergs have very long life-spans naturally and the problem with this idea of everlasting life or even very long life that no one ever really thinks about is that the probabilities that misfortune will befall you don’t go away or even really go down once you have it. That means that even though it seems unlikely to be crushed by an air-conditioner falling out of a window, or fall down the stairs, or choke to death on your food, the probability of these things happening when given enough time approaches 100%, even the very unlikely ones.

    So while you might think something like this is awesome unless it also grants you the invulnerability to survive the catastrophes you will encounter in the future or cancels out their probability, it’s basically useless, because those will get you likely in a comparable amount of time as old age would.

  • I think that is a separate circumstance all together.

    How so? They are a shapeshifter, I don’t think intersex forms would be off limits if gender swapping and animals/non-humans are fine.

    The whole point of gender identity is that there is no guaranteed link between a person’s sex and gender.

    Even more so with shapeshifters since they can change sex and form at will, like changing an outfit.

    A person with multiple sex characteristics could identify as nonbinary and that is completely valid.

    Still true, it’s just a bit different with shapeshifters because they can change their form in ways most people can’t.

  • Oh that’s cool, I found it after poking around a bit, it definitely does make the icons easier to press with a touch screen, though not really too sure how it would hold up when opening multiple apps since the interface gets really crowded around five apps in.

    I did try the full screen apps menu and the full screen one at first glance seems like it would be better, and in some ways it is, but in other ways it isn’t, but looking around on discover store I found one called Plasma Drawer and while it is very simple (doesn’t have favorites category and you can’t rearrange apps) it is very touch friendly.

    I’ll probably be using desktop mode more often since it’s now much easier to use. Now all I need to do is find a good wallpaper (or collection of them) to use on my Deck.

  • As a bonus, here is one of my Steam Deck’s Desktop:

    Unfortunately this one is much less populated and not decorated because I basically just don’t use Desktop mode because of the clunky built-in controls for it, plus the fact that KDE really just sucks for a touch screen device, which is partially X11’s fault but not completely, KDE just doesn’t have a good layout for touch screen usage. I basically only use this mode for configuring emulators, Non-steam games and apps, and occasionally copying text from the Web into games where it’s needed (like in Minecraft where it’s needed for commands or instructions).