• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I was diagnosed at the age of 56. It might be worth you trying meds again. I have found Strattera to be extremely helpful to me.

    And I followed every productivity guru in the world for decades just to try to keep things going for myself professionally. I have so internalized that I am just lazy and need to rail on myself to keep myself in line, that even though I know it isn’t true I still do it to some extent.

  • I don’t notice anything else related to vasoconstriction. My BP hasn’t changed since I started on it, for instance. It doesn’t really affect my appetite for sex, just my ability. This has lessened over time, but it’s still present. (And after ~8h, everything is fine.)

    You can take it before bed if you like. Some people find it sleep-inducing at first. I find it simulating an hour or two later.

    From what I have read, there are several different experiences from it. You’ll likely have to try it and see how it works for you, and what accommodations you’ll need to make. Hopefully the comments in this thread give you an idea of what to look out for.

  • Yes, its daily. It took a few days to notice a difference for me, but it definitely helps me with executive function. I’m up to the max dosage after 18 months, but it’s still working.

    Side effects for me are nausea for maybe an hour after I take it, and major “shrinkage”. Sex is a real challenge for around 8h after taking it, and it looks like I’ve been swimming in the Arctic sea for about that long. This isn’t a major problem because I take it in the morning, but it has been occasionally frustrating. That effect wears off by evening, though, so my spouse is ok with me taking it. 🙂

    I have never taken stimulants, so I can’t offer a comparison there.

  • I’ve tried paid versions of ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini. I am currently using Gemini, and it is working reasonably well for me.

    I mostly use it to replace searches. I haven’t used Google in years, but mainly relied on DuckDuckGo until SEO made it less useful. My secondary use case is for programming. I tend to jump around to a lot of different languages and frameworks, and it’s hugely helpful to get sample code describing what I want to do when I don’t know the syntax.

    Once in a great while, I will have it rewrite something for me. That is mostly for inspiration if I want to change the tone of something I wrote (then I’ll edit). I think that all of the LLMs suck at writing.

  • I don’t know how frequently this happens, but my experience is that a link to a lemmy group was deleted by mods. It was very politely worded, and suggested and alternative community on Lemmy, and also noted that there’s no reason that somebody couldn’t read both communities. It was still deleted as “spam or self-promotion.”

    That could just be a maturity issue with the mod who deleted it. It could also be that Reddit itself is doing it and simply said it was done by the mods of the group.

  • The video (you can skip to the last five or 10 minutes of it to get the gist of what I’m talking about) says that the discrepancy isn’t unexplained. It’s point is that the different models depend on a large number of variables, and one of those variables is the size and brightness of the first generation of stars in the early universe. Tweaking that part of the model can explain the discrepancy. (According to the video.)

  • Interesting. I use Google News as well, and I have never had audio play. I tend to use it on mobile, and my default browser on mobile is Firefox. Specifically Firefox in private browser mode, so I don’t have to worry about cookies.

    I use Firefox on the desktop as well, but not usually in private mode. I also don’t ever have video autoplay that way. I’m not sure why. I don’t think I installed any extensions to turn it off, but I might have tweaked the browser settings shortly after installing.