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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • lol

    It feels like the novelty of an attempted XPOTUS assassination wore off in less than 48 hours. That’s crazy.

    Nobody around me is even talking about this anymore - not at work, not on social, not at the grocery store, nowhere.

    Idk if that’s due to everyone being super jaded or because it’s Trump. If it’s because it’s him, then I wonder if it’s because nobody gives a shit about him or if it’s just not surprising someone would take a shot at him or just because it’s irrelevant to his candidacy or what else.

  • I do not understand the popularity of Cornish game hens. Is it actually tasty to some folks or just good looking on a plate? I mean, don’t get me wrong, this posted pic looks delicious!

    Every time I’ve had one, including roasting them myself more than once, they’ve had a weird texture and tasted very inferior to regular chicken.

    Come to think of it, I’m pretty sure every other bird I’ve had has been superior in taste and texture to these mini chickens - normal chicken, crazy huge GMO chicken, turkey, duck, goose, quail, pheasant, ostrich, dove - does anyone really like them or is it just the aesthetics or maybe the idea that you’re eating a whole chicken?

  • I think it’s a great idea to require a human attendant for giant autonomous machinery.

    If the company does not provide the attendant, then the public is just going to shoulder that burden.

    I am NOT going to protect or respect unattended property like an autonomous truck if it runs off the road or rams my vehicle or is a risk to my own safety, for example.

    I’m pretty sure I’d be offended just having to ride behind it on the freeway as it drives precisely the speed limit in all traffic conditions - can’t say for sure until I’ve experienced it though.

  • When you have privacy settings, what you really have is a lie.

    It starts out with good intentions, like those in this post, but eventually everyone forgets that the platform still sees your posts and does not give a shit about selling them.

    I would rather acknowledge from the very beginning that this entire system is not private, so there is never such a misunderstanding.

    Everyone should post and comment with caution, just like you use caution with what you say in public places.