Same, I played 8 hours in two work days (this is huge for me who usually plays 8 hours a month). This game is addictive as hell
Same, I played 8 hours in two work days (this is huge for me who usually plays 8 hours a month). This game is addictive as hell
Tu peux cross-poster sur ! si tu veux !
TLDR: standing all day long can be worse than sitting, but alternating standing and sitting positions is very good for your health.
Standing desks have never been promoting standing all day imo, the title is pure clickbait. Standing desks are good for your health, just use them correctly.
Just made the transition, couldn’t be easier. Export, import, profit
I’d say as many as in other countries
La main droite, c’est celle qui a le pouce à gauche
Not for screwing/unscrewing but in France we have a satire mnemonic for remembering right and left:
The right hand is the one with the thumb pointing left.
Works only if you look at the back of your hands, and obviously not useful. We use it mainly to mock someone who mix right and left
Good read, I think the practical example of enshittification makes it easier to understand.
We have a winner!
Can you tell what’s my job?
This sounds like fantasy indeed
Nice, it really brings the finish to another level
Love it! How did you make the case?
As I understand the screenshots, it looks like it is simulating a windows XP desktop but not opening actual windows or messing with the system
They are cut in little cubes, along with bacon, duck breast and a fried egg. It is indeed unique and delicious
On of my local pizzerias has one with apple and it’s actually one of my favorite!
But my number one is the “indian”, which is basically chicken, curry, pineapple and raisin
Let’s go. In and out. Eight day adventure.
Not everybody, usually RTTs depend on how much overtime is planned in your contract (eg. most engineers work 37.5h instead of 35h, so they get 1 RTT each 3 weeks). Many people don’t have any RTT
Nice, good luck with your fight, remote work is the future
Je comprends les bas-votes pour la manière un peu maladroite dont c’est amené et le titre un peu extrême, mais en lisant tout l’article on comprend que c’est pas aux personnes équipées de quéquettes qu’il s’attaque mais à la construction sociale de la masculinité.
Cela dit il laisse sous-entendre que cette construction est embrassée par 100% des hommes et ça je suis pas d’accord. J’admet qu’il y a du chemin à faire et que même ceux qui pensent être déconstruits à 100% se trompent souvent, mais la place de la virilité dans l’éducation et bien moindre qu’autrefois, au point que j’aime à penser qu’une part des hommes ne s’y identifie plus du tout.
Selon moi cette part-là ne voit pas de rapport de domination et ne pourra pas dériver vers cette extrême-là.