• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023

  • With all the news coming out the past couple days about The Veilguard, I’m starting to piece together a suspicion that Bioware is picking things back up where they last had decent ideas: early to mid 2010s.

    I think Veilguard will feel like a stuck-in-time successor to Inquisition, stale by that period’s standards and grossly outdated by today’s, especially in the wake of Larian’s enormous success reinvigorating the kind of game Bioware has forgotten how to make.

  • the devs given any reason to doubt them

    I agree that it’s super early for much speculation, but Dan Houser and a few other key players left Rockstar after RDR2. He and Michael Unsworth (who I think also left the studio with Dan) were two-thirds of the GTA 5 and RDR2 writing team. Without their involvement, I fear a scenario where the core single-player narrative has less gravitas, around which much of the detail and realism of the gameplay and game world has previously resolved, and the company leans more into the success of its GTA Online style gameplay.

    I’m sure they can still be wildly successful with that formula, but it will be a huge disappointment for me personally.

  • I can’t disagree. But as one facet among others, I also think “concern” is reasonably warranted in conducting a comparative assessment.

    Edit: also worth highlighting: “there’s nothing wrong with being against gay marriage because it’s a political opinion” is certifiably homophobic. How much responsibility Kagi’s moderators bear for not removing that comment or otherwise explicitly advising that homophobia won’t be tolerated is debatable, but it’s not great.

  • I was persuaded to pick Elden Ring back up despite not really feeling a pull for it, but lo and behold once I was back in I fell in deep. I never actually finished the game with my first dex/bleed-based character, so I continued making my way through Crumbling Farum Azula. I’ve given Malekith a couple of attempts but I’m pretty burned out on bosses at the moment. I started up a new sorcery-based character and that’s been the real joy. Magic really does make the game significantly easier, and part of me wishes I’d done my first playthrough this way. But I’d beaten Demon’s Souls remake not too long before starting Elden Ring originally and wanted something different.

    To fall back on when I get too frustrated, I’ve been playing 10tons’s Undead Horde. Their game Dysmantle wound up being a major highlight the year that I played it (I really, really liked it), so I finally bought Undead Horde 1 and 2. It’s not nearly as good as Dysmantle, but it’s a really great, lightweight dungeon crawler. I like their vibe very much and am really looking forward to Dysplaced.

    I also gave the Saints Row reboot a try since it was free a while back on PS+ and it’s really, really (really) dumb. It’s also kind of fun, a little at a time. Not sure it’ll hold my interest all the way through but it’s nice having an open world game that’s just…easy to play and asks very little of the player.

  • They claim that entertainment companies exist “to provide that entertainment.” Sure I think creative leads and the devs (especially in the games industry) are there to provide entertainment that they are passionate about. But idk if I can ever see a period where the publisher was in it for the art, despite what they may say.

    I agree with you, except that up until the early-to-mid aughts, before Fortnight, and skinner box mobile games, and the promise of persistent revenue capitalizing on addictive tendencies and FOMO, publishers believed that the best path to profit was good games. Konami, to pick the (previously) worst example, published one of the weirdest, most cinematic, ambitious, influential games of all time with Metal Gear Solid. And then, eventually, they saw a straighter, shorter path to profit.

    I am…way more personally upset about the Arkane closure than I usually get about these things. I have so much respect for what that studio created. This article is great though and gives the holistic perspective I’ve been looking for the past few days:

    The point here, ultimately, is that this cycle has been repeating, and repeating, and repeating, and it does not show any sign of coming to an end. Xbox buys talent, mismanages it in search of impossible scale, and cuts it loose - be that the 20-year experts of Fable, or the battle-scarred makers of Dishonored, or the invigorating new generation behind Hi-Fi Rush. Xbox’s leadership clearly knows it’s a problem…they have to step behind this first, surface-level layer of justification for closing studios, and get to the real cause - not the decisions themselves, but the principles that inform them. The principles that say expertise, creativity and talent are less valuable than the cost to let them flourish.

  • Last month, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton sued the company that owns Pornhub to force compliance with the state’s age verification law and threatened millions of dollars in civil penalties.

    My brain has actually defaulted to thinking of Ken Paxton as a particularly vile time traveling pilgrim, whose immediate response to arriving in the present day was outrage that the world had changed and a divine conviction that it was his purpose to revert the world to the puritanical Christian dominance that made him feel warm and safe in his own time.

    That’s easier for me to comprehend than that an actual 21st century person has this many stupid, hateful ideas he’s willing to happily tie his name to.

  • I’m a California restaurant operator preparing for the $20-an-hour fast-food wage by trimming hours, eliminating employee vacation, and raising menu prices

    No media outfit should be covering these anecdotes unless the business owner is willing to divulge their margins and expected impact to them. Is Mr. Fatburger here protecting a 1% decrease in his 9% margin? Cut a hole in a cantaloupe and fuck it. Uncritical coverage like this also assumes that owners are operating efficiently and that the minimum wage increase isn’t unduly affecting them because they suck at operating a restaurant.

  • This is frustrating. We know that in the absence of regulation or oversight, workers’ rights at the bottom of our supply chains approach or outright classify as slavery conditions.

    Fair trade certification is essentially meant to be a means of opting out of funding those conditions as consumers, by indicating which products hold themselves to a higher labor standard. However, this report claims that the mechanisms used to enforce those standards are exploited by certified organizations by manipulating the auditing process (e.g., compelling workers to respond positively in interviews because corporate representation is present). Thus, this particular brand of private regulation is worse than useless because it tempers labor solidarity in favor of impotent “ethical consumerism.”

    If accurate, it’s nothing short of an outrage. But abandoning the idea entirely in favor of global labor solidarity feels naively misguided. The majority of privileged consumers don’t even care enough to choose fair trade options when given the choice, due to ignorance, apathy, and/or a sincere belief that we have a divine right to $1 king sized-snickers, and that the exploitation of invisible people is an unfortunate or righteous inevitability.

    The world’s not in a position to effect impactful labor solidarity right now, and I’m not convinced (yet) that there are no benefits (e.g., “Workers are provided the tools and uniforms necessary to perform their jobduties free of charge, and the costs of these cannot be included in wagecalculations or as salary deductions”) to fair trade initiatives.

    Per Labor Notes’s own findings, certification audits are carried out by third parties, and their reporting covers only areas in Mexico through the testimony of 200 workers. Without seeing more information, I don’t want to assume this isn’t a localized issue or due to a single negligent auditor. When given the choice between idealistic purity or meaningfully pragmatic gains, I’ll choose the latter. But it’s becoming increasingly apparent that’s not enough on its own.

    As a side note, I get my coffee from Equal Exchange and I highly recommend it, unless someone tells me they’re bullshit too.