
me me big boy

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • I live in Florida and if you call Animal Control, they laugh and hang up. Police arrival times during the day peak at 45mins and extend to 1:30mins once the day shift goes home and our county is under the watch of 4 cops from 2 districts over who already are capped out because Florida Man loves making Headlines. I hear shots go off all the time. but its not like gaza and israel. its just wide, open expansive areas that house like 10 families across 300 acres.

    most of us are armed because of the wild life. Alligators 13ft large cross my yard some rainy days. Snakes of all makes and models, wild boar are truly terrifying to come upon not armed. and yeah. if someone came after me, having a gun will make little difference, but. im not arming for people, the same way an officer in the military carries one. Why do they do that if they aren’t fighting?

    you have nothing to be sorry for or to be forgiven. you enjoy a certain style of life and have the where with all to appreciate it as a non violent bastion of society. No one chooses where they are born but we try to make do. Carrying a weapon for us, is making do.

  • and that right there is WHY they will never go away. You aren’t Wrong, you dinged the bell of human nature. Name a creature who wouldn’t want an advantage like that?

    Its unfortunate that humans treat one another so poorly that iron turned to bronze turned to steel turned to bullets.

    but, a history book need only tell you why americans arm up. The Spanish in the south and French in the north started americas fires, then the 13 colonies showed up a time later, further embellishing the need for a gun. the west, where life was worth but the cost of a bullet and has since, remained. Manifest Destiny was not to be a friendly acquisition nor was it. What I’m saying is America is built on the sword and blood of losers. No one here wants to be marginalized. civil forfeiture, Debt…what makes a human feel in control again? a gun…

  • I’ve had this same issue working as an independent electronic repair business. Literally no one in all of america sells 90% of the tools, parts or hardware needed. i have to constantly rail Amazon, Alibaba, eBay, Etsy…

    thank the gods for Klein tools still showing up every once in awhile with what i need.

    Radio Shack was a joke. it lacked the depth and scope required to supply the parts needed. it died because they tried to do cell phones and market Steel, vs Gold, vs Nickel plated parts which didn’t mean anything to anyone for almost anything except the one off chance that someone actually requires the benefits of those differing materials.

    my wish is that someone comes through and makes a Home Depot equivalent for electronic parts. but the scope of that fantasy is near impossible. My understanding of logistics and operations knows America won’t see anything like Japanese parts stores for a very very long time. if ever again.

    electronics is getting to be like hunting down parts for rare classic cars, you have to slough through hundreds of websites, find swap meets, check and check again for items out of stock to be in. or find that one person who chose today to sell you that one off capacitor or transistor.

    i hate how seemingly gate kept electronics is. its not, but damn its hard to get the things you need