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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Chunk@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlGermans
    9 months ago

    During Covid they were talking about letting people back on planes if everyone wore a mask. I told a friend that’s ridiculous, the total volume of air will be filled with corona virus, the mask doesn’t stop the virus it just projects the virus upwards.

    Friend lost his shit. Called me a science denier and legitimately thought I was a right wing lunatic. The guy is a Staff software engineer at Meta. We rarely talk anymore which is too bad but also maybe for the best.

  • Windows OS is one of the biggest misses in the company’s history. The money lost on Zune pales in comparison to the missed opportunities of making NT the go-to dev platform.

    People like Mac OS better. The most popular user OS in the world is Android. Cloud is Linux. Microsoft knows they have to play nice because they are so far behind there’s no point in competing how they used to.

  • There is a History of the Byzantines podcast and it talks about the political maneuvering in the empire and church. They had political parties and each party had separate religious beliefs and that was important for how church doctrine evolved.

    It’s so incredibly political it’s unbelievable. It’s like “I want to be emperor so I will agree to whatever those guys say so I can gain their political support”. And now hundreds of millions of people think that’s the word of God when really it’s the back alley dealings of Justinian.

  • Chunk@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlba dum tss
    9 months ago

    Your grammar is correct and your sentence structure is fine. It just lacks a bit of… pizzazz 😉

    You could say

    Regardless, it remains in use as a measurement that only a small fraction of the world continues to use.

    Which maybe is a little bit too much pizzazz for Lemmy but you don’t really get to have fun with your writing elsewhere!

  • Chunk@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlba dum tss
    9 months ago

    Oh my God I have a story about this.

    Our entire company wants metric. The guidance folk want to do their modeling in metric. The prop team wants to do fluid/thermo in metric. The structures team wants to do load analysis in metric.

    But the boys at the 'pad are imperial only. The water system, fuel tanks, all ground infra is in imperial. If someone runs down to the hardware store they can easily find a fitting, gasket, or o ring in imperial. But metric? Good luck.

    So our company decided to support both. The flight computer and ground software did unit conversions, everything was unit-aware, telemetry was occasionally manually converted because the onscreen wasn’t the right unit. We had written our own turing complete, inhouse programming language and we ended up implementing dual-static typing. We had float, int, bool and then we had units where some operations required the units to be the same thing. So cm and inch but not inch and kilogram.

    The project was terribly mismanaged. To this day some still wonder why.