Yes, I’m screaming all that. Capslock is still cruise control for cool, y’all.


  • 6 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 5th, 2023

  • And how is he going to do more, with the voting blocs in both houses of Congress as they stand right now?

    And with the Supreme Court as it stands, right now?

    He’s not a king. We don’t WANT him to be a king. But so many of us demand that he just “finds a way,” to do whatever it is that we want as a voter bribe, this week.


    Every time a Democrat stretches executive powers to forgive student loans or semi-pseudo-almost-legalize pot, it sets more precedent for Presidents to almost be able to legislate by fiat.

    We don’t want MAGA Party presidents to have those powers in the future. Why do I have to spell that shit out, to other adults?

    EDIT: You know what’s scary? I can’t even remember the list of executive power usages that made me mad about this problem, the last time I thought about it. It’s all been normalized. All I remember is the most recent ones. If you gave me a list of changes in official, binding US policy from the last twelve years, and asked me to correctly label them with “this change resulted from legislation” and “this change resulted from an executive order,” I guarantee I couldn’t do better than a monkey guessing randomly.

    That’s how you get a grotesquely inflated set of executive powers. Stop encouraging that shit. If the Democrats don’t win enough seats to enact legislation that you want, BE AN ADULT AND ACCEPT THAT SHIT. Stop throwing tantrums and threatening to vote for them even less, if they refuse to literally hack the system to give you some shit that you want.

    We don’t want the system to be hacked. We want democracy.

  • As I’ve said to a couple of people, I definitely have seen people set different X and Y settings on joysticks/thumbsticks/tilt-controls. I’m specifically talking about the mouse version, which I’ve never actually encountered anybody using, up until the testimony of these people, in this thread.

    And yeah, my experience is the same as yours. It’s only been in the last six or seven years that I’ve really started to see games include options to set individual axis controls for the mouse.

    In those most current years, though, it has been a very common option. The majority of medium-to-AAA budgeted games include the option. I did figure that meant some people were using it. I just wondered how common it really was. I’d never considered trying it myself, deliberately, until now.

  • I’ve definitely seen people use different X and Y settings, on all kinds of different joystick-style deices. I’ve even occasionally set different X and Y values on those, myself.

    I’m specifically talking about the mouse situation.

    Would be nice if you could lock them together, but that is a little more complex and requires more thought to do

    I think the reverse is true. Up until a few years ago, it was VERY rare to see any games (or any other apps) give users separated control over each axis, for the mouse. Back in the day, there wasn’t ALWAYS even a GUI-enabled setting for sensitivity, at all. You’d just type a console command, and it would adjust the overall mouse sensitivity, which would be applied to both the X and Y.

    I’m sure there were some of those games, where you could indeed use a different console command to change each axis, separately.

    At any rate, once you’ve implemented a setting in the graphical user interface menu system for changing the X and Y, it technically would involve a bit more effort to provide an option to lock them together, so I don’t mind just adjusting X and Y to the same values, myself.

    I was just curious whether anyone out there actually is setting their horizontal and vertical mouse movement to different values, at all, or if it’s just an option with nobody making use of it.

  • Fuck banks and fuck the banking system.

    I’m sorry to be so blunt about this, but you’re kind of being a willing sucker. Inviting people to hate the banks has been the most underrated, under-the-radar, flawlessly effective political smoke-and-mirrors distraction, for generations. And here you go, just buying right into it.

    As a distraction, it’s absolutely perfect, because it works from every possible political angle. If you’re a liberal/progressive/socialist, the banks can be a stand-in for capitalism. You can scream about the evils of the banking system, without actually using the word “capitalism,” and maybe get some people onto your side.

    If you’re a libertarian/fiscal-conservative/anti-globalist-right-winger, you can accuse the banks of being covertly or overtly controlled by <insert group that you hate> and you can feature them in all kinds of conspiracy theories about The Libs™ weakening your native nation by coupling it to the monetary systems of other nations that you dislike, etc.

    If you’re in the political middle (or claim to be), you can pick and choose from any of the above.

    In reality, the banking system is going to be necessary for the next couple of centuries. Period. That’s a fact. Nothing can change that, even if it was a good idea to change it. Which I’m not really sure of, because of all the political distraction that always surrounds the whole thing.

    The fact remains: people getting all riled up about “the bankers” is music to the ears of every politician who doesn’t actually have any intention of passing good laws, to help people’s lives. Or repealing shitty laws that are fucking up people’s lives.

    If you think getting rid of the banking system would instantly solve all our problems, I’ve got an apparently very low-interest loan I can give you, to buy a bridge in Brooklyn.

  • As I mentioned to someone else, look at the world we’re living in. Mood-altering drugs are for situations when nothing is wrong, but you’re sad and numb anyway.

    But, ya know, that’s not the case. Look around. Everything is wrong. We all have good reasons to be sad, numb, furious, tired, etc. Therefore, it’s inappropriate to drug ourselves into feeling slap-hap-fuckin’-happy.

    That would be like getting into a motorcycle accident, noticing your leg is shattered, with bones sticking out of the skin, and saying “I guess I’ll take morphine forever. As long as I’m feelin’ fine, it’s alllll good.”

    No. Not good. Pain and rage are the appropriate and logical responses to our situation. Medicating ourselves into not feeling those perfectly appropriate emotions would just be drug abuse. If I want to abuse drugs, I’ll get them off the street, and pay a way more reasonable price than my health insurance would suck out of my wallet, for their approved happy-feel-good drugs.

  • solutions to your complaint

    Read my question again. I was not asking for “solutions.” I was not asking for tech support. I was asking for the REASON behind Microsoft specifically wanting people to agree to a free upgrade of their OS.

    Read through my replies. I have been entirely receptive and cordial toward any speculation on that topic.

    What I didn’t want was advice. Or lectures. Or solutions. On the one hand, I was so clear about that point that you referred to my post as a “wall of indignant text.” On the other hand, I guess my wall of text wasn’t big enough, because you still didn’t understand the question.

    Again: I was asking about the whys and the hows of the situation. Not solutions to it. And plenty of people have provided good answers.

  • I honestly didn’t 100 percent know the answer. I was seriously wondering if there was some direct, specific reason that I hadn’t thought of. But it’s just the boring speculation that I could have done. I agree I shouldn’t have bothered.

    As for toxicity, sure. I’m toxic. The world is toxic. It’s the new fashion. I believe we are all bearing witness to the Great Filter that keeps all civilizations from achieving high technology and exploring the universe (read up on the concept). The “filter” is simply ourselves. We fucking suck.

    In essence, intelligence itself was nature’s greatest mistake. Awareness is a curse. All is vanity. We’re cresting the peak of our achievements, as naked apes, and we will shortly begin the painful process of erasing all our gains, and returning to dust. Good riddance, and I mean that. We are not a good thing for the planet, nor for ourselves.

    But I don’t have to be all sweetness and light about any of it.