That was a hard upvote, man. You 100% just stole 20 seconds of my time. On the other hand, I wasn’t doomscrolling.
I mean, im not saying that isn’t an abomination, but it probably also doesn’t suck…
Well, we are talking about him now, and millions of people have hears his message in his own words. Or he could still be alive in a sea of picketers being ignored. I don’t approve of suicide either, bit he very effectively got a lot of people to listen to him, or at least to hear him. We all should be so silent.
Is crustass now a thing that people are saying, or is that just Father Johnathan and his pizza obsession?
Oklahoman. Same here.
Calm down, Carl. Some of us already live here and would prefer it if he didn’t make it worse thanks.
Im 45 with nothing in the bank. I’ll die hard and homeless probably. Real shit. All good though. Today we feast.
I use Luke Smith’s script to set up neomutt usually. Or Thunderbird. I have tried to get mutt working many times on my own and at this point I honestly dont think that I am smart enough.
Oh shit. I would give you my usual “Sorry for being a dick, I had a few too many last night” but that was actually kind of inspiring. In this case I’m glad I drew something beautiful from tour soul by being a douche.
I get it, but maybe dont post just to be posting? The internet misses you, but it will get along OK without you for a day or two while you think of something relevant to anything.
Slightly inaccurate but quite funny.
I think that I forgot to say it at the time, but thanks for your response. You helped to clarify the issue for me.
I was plenty awkward, but ass hair? At 12?
Boo. But still upvoted because I’m still laughing over the waiter thing.
I am not a smart man and I rarely adopt new things, so I want you to know that I am not trying to be ironic or shitty when I say that I aoreciate your help.
Sounds like a keeper, bro. I see no issues.
The apology link was worth the initial frustration.