• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • I’m not sure what we’re referring to when we say pay back the debts, but as far as a societal collapse due to constant population growth - is that not just the basis of nature? If resources become scarce, population will decline since you can’t provide for everyone’s needs at that point. If resources are plenty, population can grow. I don’t see how a decline in population leads to societal collapse. Some countries are facing declining populations now, for other reasons, and they’re not collapsing. It’s a potential problem that would need to be faced, but collapse seems extreme to me.

  • Well, if other people and things don’t exist then it’s your brain creating your perception of reality. The physics of your world is consistent, You can test that. If reality is something your brain is making up, it would have to calculate the physics of everything you perceive instantly and constantly. It can’t do that.

    If it could, how would YOU, the consciousness that is experiencing this made up reality, ever struggle with something like a math problem? It’s the same brain. The sheer scale of everything happening around you, how would your mind possibly calculate it as you experience it.

    How would your mind know how something hot like a coffee should cool down depending on the temperature around it and the container it’s in and how that heat will affect things around it.

    If this reality is real, it’s not being calculated, it’s happening, everywhere all the time. If it’s fake it has to be calculated or simulated for you. If your brain can’t simulate it, then it’d have to be something like a super computer quantum singularity thingamajig. If that’s doing it, then who created the computer?

    If reality is real, then people are real. If reality is fake then people have to be real.