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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 19th, 2023


  • As a non-Dolly music fan, I agree with you wholeheartedly… for now.

    But later, if it comes out after she’s dead, that she was secretly harvesting puppy blood in her basement or abusing handicapped kids for decades or some other crazy awful thing, I’ll have to re-evaluate. And though I’m not hoping for this to be the case, it just seems like that’s exactly the type of shit this timeline would do to us. Guys I think I’m losing hope for humanity. Dolly save us all.

  • The cloth masks were supposed to be a simple thing society could all agree to do for a while until better, medically proven masks were readily available. While they probably provide a benefit by reducing transmission, even if only by a small amount, they certainly don’t hurt. This was all that was available at a time of overflowing hospitals, supply shortages, and rapidly increasing infection rates.

    Republicans, a club of mostly white guys who have publicly declared themselves the nemesis of science, immediately embraced obviously false claims arriving in their AOL email inboxes that the masks were actually harmful and that by wearing them, they were endorsing an impending government takeover by a new world order run by black antifa Jews… or some shit, I mean Jesus fuck you guys will believe anything. So anyway, those same Republicans loudly shouted “oppression” and to this day they won’t stop talking about it even though the rest of the world can’t stop thinking about just how batshit crazy these people went in the early days of the pandemic.

    Entire international medical community : “While we really prefer if you would just stay home for a bit and cut down on social gatherings, we know you’re still going to go out. But if you could please at least wear this. It’s cheap, readily available, and we’re desperate to do anything to slow this thing down. We think they probably help in certain circumstances like if you’re infected but don’t know it yet. If we all work together and exercise basic precau…”

    Republicans: “This is literal slavery. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m late to church.”