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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 20th, 2024


  • Its because they ran into the loudest, most annoying vegans.

    IDK how, maybe different areas have more militant vegans, or maybe they just roll with negative stereotypes and the algorithm bs that lets the worst folks float to the top of their media feeds.

    I’ve actively sought out vegans because they have great advice on dietary restriction resources and as long as you’re respectful of their choices, they’ve been consistently so willing to share.

    And they also really love a good breakfast, in my experience, like the local vegan group has just pages of discussion on good vegan donut resources.

  • have you tried something to focus before starting a task?

    I like a small bit of a not very addicting game before I start something, so I can get in the zone, and assess where my head is.

    Just an easy sudoku or bejeweled- something you can knock out in under a minute. I started doing this around 14ish and it helped with school a lot.

    If they’re younger, you being there to keep them on track is important, but asking them to assess how they feel based on that little game could be a great self assessment tool.

  • All the alcoholism in both sides of my family, and I’m fretting about my liver, when I’m taking less than the recommended dose of a prescribed medication that could change my life if I could take more.

    And I’m on a COPD inhaler and I’ve never touched any death sticks at all.

    Life isn’t fair, I 100% feel you.

    I also literally felt you when they put me on amitriptyline and that gave me hbp and they kept trying to act like it wasn’t that big a deal- that with all my other health problems, my blood pressure would start getting off, and I’d have stress, yadda yadda.

    It really does feel physically horrible, especially the headaches and sleep issues.

    My biggest advice is to never be afraid about a second- or third or fourth opinion with your health, and be gentle but persistent with your goals.

    Its the art of pushing without breaking.

    Now, this is the experience for me and some unhealthy overachievers, so take the following with a grain of salt:

    A lot of times people with underlying health issues actually function their whole lives by pushing until they crash, but hide their crash, and just assume everyone else hides the meltdowns/16-hour sleeps/weekly puke sessions/etc too.

    If that happens to describe you, then you’re going to need to get comfortable with giving just 25% effort in a lot of things until you can safely figure out how to actually not hurt yourself.

    I’m serious.

    Step out of your skin, and treat yourself as you would your precious little sibling or something. Dote on yourself.

    Aaand I’ve typed too much. It gets my own stuff going. But good luck.

  • My phone in school. It was a smartphone, back before smartphones were quite the norm, so it was a big deal, and I was in another state as a minor, so I did need a phone. There was some two for one deal, so my parent got theirs and mine, so it wasn’t quite so bad, but it was technically a pricy bit of tech.

    Campus was on a hill, so I stumbled and dropped it while walking down the stairs.

    I think it would translate to, like, five stories of stairs if it was in a building and not on a hill?

    It never went into the grass, just kept bouncing down stairs. 🤦

  • My dog responds to swear words by doing the kinds stuff you see emotional support dogs do in videos- press on your chest, give you kisses, nuzzle your face, etc.

    Except she’s small, blind, and a bit… intense, so she kinda launches into you if you’re sitting, with some intense affection.

    IDK why. I guess we don’t swear very often, ao when we do, its special, and we swear with enough gusto for her to think we’re very, very upset.

  • Orna has been good for that. Its a GPS RPG that’s just interesting enough to keep me playing, but not quite “just one more” levels of interesting.

    I can do a different type of dungeon run based on how much time I need to kill but it doesn’t make me so enthralled that I lose myself.

    The periodic resets help me remember the passage of time, too- run one quick menu dungeon for a reset notification in an hour, etc.

    Its what grounds me.

    Can you perhaps find a puzzle game with a sliding scale of duration, that helps you focus, but is too boring to keep you playing all day?

    Maybe easy sudoku or match 3s? A shorter format on Pokemon Showdown? (1v1 or 2v2)

    IDK if you’re allowed to play games at work, but maybe finding something like that could help at other times?

    I just know if i don’t keep my mind busy, it wanders bad. Or I get sleepy.

  • Just to let you know, the whole thing where you look back on every little thing you do and cringe won’t magically go away when you’re an adult.

    That’s a self-esteem thing, not a teenager thing.

    I guess what I’m saying is that this is one of those things that can get better, but won’t just magically get better on its own. It didn’t get better for me until I got some control in my physical health (stuff that would affect my perspective) and took agency in my mental health.

    If you’re in the situation to do so, check out what kind of therapy resources are available to you. You can just try a bunch until you find one that really clicks, and a lot offer free brief consultations.
    Many employers offer 4-10 free visits for any immediate family members/offspring, too!

    I’m sorry you feel so critical of yourself all the time. Its so draining to live like that.

  • I was punished for missing mandatory dorm meetings by washing the same car that multiple other people had already washed.

    I missed said meetings because I was doing night classes and workstudy.

    All of the content of said dorm meetings could have been taken care of with a paragraph email, hut apparently I was supposed to hunt down the RA whenever they felt like giving me their time, when I was already taking, like, 18-25 hours, doing extracurriculars and workstudy, and also regularly puking my brains out from the uncontrolled migraine disorder.

    I stopped caring about their authority after that.