Japan-based ML. Interests in privacy, tech, cybersecurity.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Addfwyn@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlLemmy since the reddit collapse
    11 months ago

    the only viable left leaning political party in the US?

    I might be misunderstanding you, so I apologize if that is the case, but if you are referring to the Democrats they are far from left leaning. They aren’t even center leaning.

    You can’t even say they have a better track record than the Republicans. They bomb countries as much (or in recent years even more) than the Republicans. They advocate for wars. They fund ICE even more than the Republicans. They stand up just as much for reproductive rights (read: not at all). They just do all of it while waving a rainbow flag.

    I really hope you meant the Greens or the CPUSA; which have their own issues but are certainly more left than either the Democrats or Republicans.

  • Addfwyn@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlWhat do you choose?
    11 months ago

    We never had blockbusters here, but our local equivalent is actually still doing quite well. I think streaming movies is more popular, but a lot of people go there to rent music CDs. Actually buying physical music albums is really expensive.

    We still have Toys R Us too actually, I think it does pretty well here for the most part.

    So I guess my answer defaults to Radioshack.

  • I quite like it, I generally like how it looks, and there was less of a learning curve than I expected there to be. Things mostly work without needing you to know HOW they work (though that is fun too). I am sure it will get more active as more people move over, but it’s actually the perfect amount of activity for me right now. I can check in and there is usually some new stuff without worrying about things moving so fast that my voice gets lost in the noise.

    Big plus is I can be fairly open about my leftist politics, at least around here, and not be downvoted into oblivion. Nor does everything thread even tangentially related to China devolve into racism within five posts.

    Are there a couple niche communities I miss? Sure, I might recreate them myself honestly, somebody has to. Otherwise, I don’t miss much.