Just a bit or a wandering mind on my part but one of the issues in the back of my mind is what happens to whatever self hosting I setup if something happens to me.

Ideally I’d like to be able to know that in case of emergency Id be able rely on a good friend or two to keep things going.

My thought was that would require some common design patterns/ processes and standardisation.

I also have these thoughts because eventually Id like to support other family members with self hosted services at their places. Standardising hardware, configurations etc makes that much simpler.

How have others approached this?

  • thayer@lemmy.ca
    2 months ago

    My wife and I share a KeePass database for all of our credentials, including the keys to our digital kingdom. I also thoroughly document our LAN design, server setup, and general maintenance notes which, like KeePass, are also shared to her via SyncThing. I also add notes to the KeePass entries, pointing her or my son to the appropriate note file for more info. I also add hints to some entries, such as “this is the password that decrypts our file server drive…to do this, open a terminal and paste the following…”

    She is comfortable pasting commands into a terminal when necessary, so if anything ever happens to me I am confident she will at least be able to access our data and move it to a more user-friendly or accessible format.