The revelation that “sensitive information such as sexual characteristics of US soldiers in Korea are being shared in documents, photos, and videos” was brought up on the American social media site ‘Reddit’ along with some evidence. On the

13th, a post titled "[Emergency] Personal information of US soldiers in Korea is being shared in Korean society” was posted on Reddit. The writer, A, who identified herself as a Korean-American who served in the US military for 8 years, including in Korea, said, “For those of you in Korea, I would like to warn you about your personal information being shared among the Korean women’s community (radical feminists).” “A certain women’s online community is notorious for sharing men’s personal and private information, and recently, they have started sharing information about foreigners, including US soldiers in Korea.” The source of the YouTube video image in the article is뻑가PPKKa, It starts at 5:57