
  • The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has discovered the most distant galaxy ever confirmed, named JADES-GS-z14-0, which appears as it existed just 290 million years after the Big Bang.

  • The discovery of this surprisingly luminous and massive early galaxy challenges theories about how galaxies formed in the cosmic dawn

  • JWST has been repeatedly breaking its own records for the most distant galaxies since beginning operations in 2022

more about:

    3 months ago

    The fuck are you crying about? I’ve seen JWST-related news consistently since its debut and not just from science/space-focused media but here you are saying America never talks about it?

    Here’s one just 3 days ago

    CBS has a running tag for JWST with many articles:

    USA Today:

    And many more, the New Yorker, ny times, the guardian, I could go on and on. They all post JWST consistently for YEARS now.

    Speaking of the guardian, they posted about this exact discovery A MONTH AGO:

    Unexpected brightness of JADES-GS-z14-0 means telescope could capture images of galaxies even further away

    Most of these examples I’m giving are common outlets that I don’t actually follow but many do. It’s not some niche content you must seek to find.

      3 months ago

      Wow… no need for the hostility bud. It seems you completely missed my point entirely. Like… ENTIRELY.

      What I meant was:

      It’s a shame random people on the internet don’t consider this to be big news. Post like this get few comments and discussions, or bullshit negativity is incredibly popular and net tons of discussions.

      So imagine if PEOPLE- not websites found this interesting.

      Hope this clears things up and in the future, maybe try not an be so hostile about things you might not understand properly.

        3 months ago

        I yearn for a social media like Lemmy where such things are on the foreground instead of constant stream of shitposts, news comments and memes

        I mean I can tailor it of course but then there is nothing left usually.

        And don’t get me wrong I don’t think there is anything wrong with memes and shitposts and news angry commenting or that it is inferior and I am superior because I am not interested that much in it but just that it is everywhere and I feel like I am drowning in the sea of shit

        I don’t consider myself better or ‘above it’ but there’s just too much of that stuff and not enough of the second. I don’t get how you can scroll news community constantly and make angry comments day by day for example. It’s extremely boring. Dystopia shitposts and general memeing quickly gets boring too.

        It’s just that I think comments are super fun for discussion and when I see only these that hunt for gaining points (even here?!) while I have them turned off it’s just… ehh. I lose the will for interaction. I need some substance.

        I tried to tailor Lemmy but it ends up kinda empty without all the meme and shitpost and politics which are not bad inherently but just too much is too much you know