No, right now we’re doin “it’s the candidates job to market themselves, not the voters’ job to vote for the better candidate, so please don’t talk to me about which candidate is better while I’m talking to you about which candidate is failing to market themselves.”
Next week is when “being right about things is called smugness and it’s not cool ok” comes into the rotation
That’s right, condescendion is how you build a political coalition.
I’m voting for Biden but smug centrist scolds like this guy make it hard to bring others along.
No, right now we’re doin “it’s the candidates job to market themselves, not the voters’ job to vote for the better candidate, so please don’t talk to me about which candidate is better while I’m talking to you about which candidate is failing to market themselves.”
Next week is when “being right about things is called smugness and it’s not cool ok” comes into the rotation
Why hello, Smug Centrist Scold.
Don’t want to keep your from your NPR, cheers have a nice day.
So is the new Asking for a comrade.
Don’t extrapolate from me to the rest of; I’m my own idiot, tyvm.