Edit: I wanted to apologize after reading some of the comments. You raise some legitimate points, I realize that there is a subtle malthusian element to this chart and some of you feel like a burden already. Furthermore, you raise a good point about corporate pollution, oil companies, and how their footprint is much greater than average plebs like us.

That’s 100% valid and I don’t disagree with you at all. My “compromise” I guess would be that continue to apply pressure and protest against large corporations, but in terms of ourselves, just pick a few things you can cut down on yourself, it does not have to be everything on this list.

For example, I really prefer having animal products in my diet, but I am willing to live in a small apartment , car-free, and not go on vacation much in my adulthood. In the same way, you guys can pick what you are comfortable with in reducing and what you do not want to compromise on.

All of us have different standards of living and we are flexible on some things, and some things we are not flexible. That is alright, just consider changing what you are comfortable with, but please do not think you are a burden. Your presence and your life is valuable to me. I don’t like to demoralize people.

    • pjhenry1216@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      Wow. I immediately assume a lower IQ for anyone who uses that word.

      Even if industry changed, no, meat production should still go away. It’s still bad. There’s no acceptable level of bad we should just ignore. This is discounting the entire ethical points of animal cruelty inherent in the system.

      I didn’t say we should not fight for better regulation. I did say we shouldn’t give up doing our best. If you disagree with this, you’re just arguing you shouldn’t be held responsible for anything. With that attitude, why would you expect a company to not say the same especially if it’ll cost them so much more. You’re depicted exactly everything wrong with the industry.

      • PowerCrazy@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        No one is forcing you to eat meat, it’s fine. Billions of people have no issue with it, and also think your definition of animal cruelty is wrong. However your morals are your own, and it isn’t a lack of personal morality that is causing climate change. On the other hand if industry is forced to change, which is what I’m advocating for, there is nothing further that needs to be done. I’m not asking them to change, I’m not expecting them to change, I want government to force them to change, I want them to go out of business if the only way they can stay in business is by destroying the environment with fossil fuels.

        • pjhenry1216@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          Sorry, I guess we just disagree on whether torture and killing is cruel. You think it’s not. I do. More people think so every year, so I’m just glad as humanity as a whole continues to advance and not stay within primitive ways of thinking. Moreover, the amount of land being dedicated to it is so vast, that eventually it’ll have to give simply because there are so much better ways to use the land. Regardless, something that’s bad for the environment now is bad for the environment always. That’s how that works. You haven’t provided any reasoning why it suddenly becomes isn’t. Your argument is still that you’re ok with harming the environment a little.

          And things like racism, sexism, etc are all personal morals. Saying to keep it to yourself while you have your own is simply not an argument. It’s a value judgement on another living thing. I’m not here to hear all the debunked and poor logic though, so I’m not really interested in debate and won’t respond again. Not saying you can’t provide your response, its just I won’t care.

          • PowerCrazy@lemmy.ml
            1 year ago

            I also didn’t say agriculture isn’t bad for the environment. Not all things are equally bad for the environment, and another misdirection caused by campaigns that put the blame of climate change on the individual is that you eventually realize that by simply existing YOU are bad for the environment. So now you feel guilty for existing and enjoying life. But the purpose of life isn’t to live in the dark and eat bugs for the environment.

            The environment is hearty, we can do most of our human activity in moderation and the environment will bear it. We can eat meat, we can use air travel, we can have electricity in our homes. We can also do without personal automobiles, without single use plastics, without buying a new consumer electronic every year. As a society we don’t have to pursue ever increasing profit for the 1%. We don’t have to accept massive wealth inequality and we do not have to subsidize Fossil Fuels trillions of dollars a year, nor do we need to do everything as cheaply as possible, and damn the consequences.