GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley on Thursday called the Senate “the most privileged nursing home in the country.”

In response to a question about Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) apparently freezing up on Wednesday while taking questions in Covington, Ky., Haley said on Fox News that the Kentucky senator has “done some great things, and he deserves credit,” but emphasized that “you have to know when to leave.”

““No one should feel good about seeing that any more than we should feel good about seeing Dianne Feinstein, any more than we should feel good about a lot of what’s happening or seeing Joe Biden’s decline,” Haley said. “What I will say is, right now, the Senate is the most privileged nursing home in the country.”

    1 year ago

    Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

    Fuck Haley, but she is right about the nursing home part. But there is a fix that Americans don’t want to admit - their voting - or LACK OF voting - is what is keeping these elderly Senators in office. Of course she is an opportunist twat that is only saying this to try to hit at Biden indirectly by bringing up the age issue.

      1 year ago

      LOL, no. Someone forgot Jesse Helms. He stayed for decades because eastern NC actively voted for him every single term, and he ran his office like every election was his first. His positions were laughable and often horrid, like quarantining gays in the AIDS years, but he took care of the NC farmers, he had a massive constituents services staff, his office was open to his people, they knew Helms would help even the least of them if they asked, and in return they kept him there for as long as they could, long past the point of ridiculousness. Same with Strom Thurmond. They didn’t care he was old, they cared that he helped them, and he did.

      Dianne Feinstein was a force to be reckoned with before she became senile as well. But if you’re a California voter, what do you get in place of a very powerful, long-term senator with many top committee assignments and the pull to pass whatever she wants, when you DO decide to vote her out? You get a freshman, and all that accrued power and influence for California in the Senate now goes to someone in another state.

      Of course she is an opportunist twat that is only saying this to try to hit at Biden indirectly by bringing up the age issue.

      You’re 100% right about that.

        1 year ago

        Benching Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are her motive for starters, and there are a lot more that are only a few years younger: this isn’t about age nearly as much as it’s about freeing influence and power from a handful of titans on the D side.

        It’s also about pushing the Senate closer to R control, and making it easier to target Dianne Feinstein by removing any whataboutery involving Mitch McConnell. In his own right, Mitch McConnell is also an albatross to many in his own party, so for them this is two birds with one stone.

        But either way, the problem with putting in absolute age limits is that the longer you’re in Congress (either house) the more power you accrue, and when you’re good anyway this gives you the potential to be spectacularly good, and to push through legislation for average Americans that would not be accomplished otherwise, like Ted Kennedy did for Obamacare.

        Another example would be Elizabeth Warren, who created the CFPB, which gives average consumers much more leverage than the usual thoughts and prayers when dealing with big banks. Because she had the seniority and committee assignments she had for as long as she did, she was able to force this through and keep it alive despite MASSIVE pressure from big banks (big donors on both sides) to shoot it down or kneecap its power in any way they could think of. And that’s just another example of what an older, long-term Senator can do for the people. In the House, Nancy Pelosi is another example of the power and influence an older legislator can accrue, and wield for the good of the country if they are true to their oaths.

        In light of that, to me, it should be up to each party to cap a particular legislator’s age on a case-by-case basis, because the chronological number just isn’t enough anymore, especially now when there are razor thin margins involved in the balance of power in both houses of Congress. It can be done responsibly without ceding any power: for example, when Ted Kennedy was sick, he simply had other senators fill his committee assignments. John McCain was another who was ill for a long time. This does not have to be an issue, and in the past it would not be. But now it’s just another convenient target to shoot down all obstacles to a bicameral majority.

        It’s also worth remembering that just like with the double-faced R approach to Supreme Court nominations, if age-based term limits were passed the Rs would simply carve out exceptions for whoever they wanted while continuing to insist on adherence to the letter of the law for anyone else. Same as it ever was.

          1 year ago

          Wait, are you saying that the Democrats have been carefully sidelining, discrediting and shoving the younger members into a dark closet whenever possible? Man, sounds like we should just support the geariatrics then. No way they should get the fuck out of the way and let the popular young elected members of their party actually speak.

            1 year ago

            Your strawman is well slain. Get back to me when you have familiarized yourself with how Congress works and acquired a basic understanding of committee assignments, and how laws are passed.

            Schoolhouse Rock “I’m Just a Bill” is a great place to start. I’m not kidding. Anyone who can reductio ad absurdum what I just said into what you just wrote needs to start at the very beginning.