How do people see shit like this and then think he is a good choice for president???
Because they are bullies at heart and the look at the current and past administrations and think they don’t bully people enough so when someone offers to be a bully, and represent their interests in a violent manner, they get a hard-on.
I was raised to believe that we’re all decent people at heart but to be honest the last 10 years have changed my mind about that. I think some people are just bad eggs now. I’m not proposing to do anything about it but it’s just depressing to realize that some people suck beyond the reach of society.
Great comment, and I share a lot of that sentiment. What always confounded me was what portion of these people are textbook evil (eg, psychopathic, greedy/selfish, etc.) versus gullible and ignorant. That is, what percent if we had enough time and educated them enough could we reach? I say this as someone who grew up in a rural Appalachia republican household. My family voted for Bush. My parents marched in pro-life rallies. But fortunately thanks to a couple different factors, my entire family pivoted 180 to become progressive Dems. So they’re out there…
Regardless I don’t believe it’s worth the time to try changing them. I think efforts are better utilized in appealing to the newcomers of politics and fence sitters who haven’t been fully sucker into the right-wing echochamber.
I don’t think the US would have had quite the spectacular 20th century it did, had it not had the very amicable Canada on one side and Mexico on the other. Not having to fight constant border squabbles was a big factor in making sure there was money for expansion, discovery – NASA, for example.
Having friendly neighbors on all land sides is something many counties can only dream of and would give anything to have. Poland? Finland? South Korea? I’m sure there are more. And once the fighting starts, it can take decades – even longer – to come back to even a shaky peace. The Troubles, anyone? The Western Sahara conflict?
It is truly hard to believe, even in this age of glorified ignorance, that anyone could be SO FUCKING STUPID as to seek office in order to destabilize his own country’s borders.
But there it is: Ron DeSantis, the dumbest motherfucker ever to crawl out from under a rock. Congratulations, asshole. You seriously won the prize.
That’s… that’s just great Ron. Hey, ya figure they might shoot back? With their army and navy that they definitely have? Dumb motherfucker.
I’m starting to think we should shoot missiles at Ron DeSantis
If you missed they would still hit Florida.
I would like to think that’s a bad thing, yet . . .
I don’t like DeSantis either but if you read the article, the question itself was loaded. I mean the headlines are a slippery slope argument
“Depending on the circumstances, I would be open to using whatever means available based on our goals and the guidance provided by advisors, including military leadership.”
Headline: “Politician doesn’t rule out using nuclear weapons against Canada!!!”