Rep. Steve Scalise, of Louisiana, defeated Rep. Jim Jordan, of Ohio, for the Republican nomination to be House speaker and replace Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.

    9 months ago

    Sure, but did they change the House rules that allow a Motion to Vacate the position of speaker with a single member vote? The one that got Kevin McCarthy flicked out of the speakership about as quickly and effortlessly as flicking away a stray booger?

    Because if they elect a new speaker but don’t change that new House rule, the Russians Freedom Caucus won’t be able to resist using it again and again, whenever they think any real government might happen and need to throw some chaos into the House.

    Hope Scalise keeps his banker boxes on standby, lol. He’ll be using them a lot sooner than he thinks unless they change that Motion to Vacate rule before he takes the seat.