Israel’s Channel 12 revealed that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu fears that the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague will issue orders to arrest him and other officials due to violations in the war on Gaza.

The channel revealed that an urgent discussion took place on Tuesday at the Prime Minister’s Office that has remained confidential until now, in which worrying scenarios and serious concerns emerged that would allow the issuance of international arrest warrants from ICC in The Hague against senior Israeli officials, security leaders and politicians, including Netanyahu himself.

It reported that the highest political and legal elite in Israel were present at the discussion. The Israeli channel noted that the reason for issuing international arrest warrants was the war in Gaza.

    5 months ago

    Prior to Palestinians voting Hamas into power, Netanyahu funding the rise of Hamas to power, 61% of Israelis supported a two-state solution. Netanyahu and the far-right minority in power refused.


    But yes. It’s not in dispute that your average Israeli is pro-genocide. And a two state solution is impossible, it is basically a euphemism for saying “Things should go exactly the way they are.”. A one non-ethnostate solution is the only answer. Israel already fully occupies and controls all Palestinian lands, it is time for Palestinians (who have equal right to the land Israel occupies) to be treated as equal citizens and given representation in Israel.

      5 months ago

      It absolutely is in dispute. I know Israelis that are adamantly against Netanyahu’s actions in Gaza. You’re ignorant, and spreading disinformation. Criticize Netanyahu all you want, but do not lie about having knowledge of the desires of people you do not know.

        5 months ago

        Yeah, no. The two state solution is a non-starter, how exactly do you think that’s going to work? You think these fucking settlers who murdered and drove palestinians from their homes, who casually murder without any consequence from the Israeli government or public are going to just stop occupying these areas so Palestinians can have a state?

        No, not even you can be that naive. You know deep inside that it’s simply an excuse to keep the Forever Occupation going.

        Two state solution is the exact same as saying you support the apartheid continuing indefinitely.