Me too. Thanks.

    5 months ago

    That’s not like, the problem guns are really meant to solve, it’s kind of unrealistic to expect guns to fill that role

    I can appreciate that you’re genuinely trying to articulate your opinions but are you sure you haven’t picked up talking point that you’re now trying to work backwards from to justify?

    The refrain is always the same: If guns genuinely helped solve the problem, why isn’t that ever reflected when comparing the U.S to other countries with gun control? Why isn’t the U.S government less authoritarian? Why aren’t the crime rates lower? Why isn’t police brutality nonexistent?

    the only solution is an unwavering dedication to more radical political reform under which all other tactics are rendered kind of moot, or at least secondary

    Watch the “call to action” comments in any thread that discusses police reform or guns – anything at all that suggests people do X. The “buy a gun” comments outnumber anything else by at least 10 to 1 and it doesn’t actually work.