Is this some sort of remnant of evangelical puritan protestant ideology?

I don’t understaun this.

If you ask me, it’d make as much sense as Orthodox and Christians… or Shia and Muslim…

I know not all Christians are Catholics but for feck’s sake…

They’re all Christians to me…


It’s a U.S thing but this is the sort of things I hear…

I am a Catholic. Why should I consider becoming a Christian?

I now know more distinctions (apparently Catholicism requires duty and salvation is process, unlike Protestantism?) but I still think they’re of a similar branch (Christianity) so I just wonder the social factor

    • Beemo Dinosaurierfuß
      6 months ago

      So by your own claim you are part of the polytheistic church of Paul?
      That just is not catholicism.
      Which is so easy to prove because the catholics love to write down their many rules.

      So I honestly would just answer right back at you:

      FFS read a book.

      And btw, while I have been an atheist for many years now, I was raised strictly catholic in a highly religious area by my catholic family that included a catholic nun and the headmaster of a catholic school and I intensively studied christianity before I made my break with this religion.

      You can’t bullshit me.

        6 months ago

        Oh look. An atheist that thinks he’s clever but doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. How original.