This week I read a post about the death of the Boeing whistleblower, and how Boeing might have suicided him.

I don’t care about if the rumors are true or not, however someone mentioned in the comments that in such situations one should always have a Dead Man Switch.

For those who don’t know a Dead Man Switch is basically an action TBD in case you die, like leaking documents, send messages/emails, kill a server etc . . .

The concept tickled me a bit, and I decided I want to build a similar system for myself. No, I am not in danger but I would like to send last goodbyes to friends and family. I think it would be cool concept.

How would you go and build such service?

I thinking of using a VPS to do the actions because it would be running for a while before my debit card gets cancelled.

The thing that is bugging me out is the trigger, I will not put that responsibility onto someone that’s cheating, so it would have to be something which can reliably tell I am dead and has to run regularly.

Where is what I come up with :

  • Ask a country association through email if am I am dead.

  • Check if I haven’t logged out on my password manager in a week. If it’s even possible.

TLDR; Give me ideas on how to build a DEAD MAN SWITCH and what triggers should I use.

    7 months ago

    I don’t have a great solution for this particular problem.

    However any solution that you come up with has to be resilient enough that the nodes that execute such scenario are always available.

    You don’t just want a system with high availability, you want a system that will stand the test of time. For example, it might trigger 30 or 50 years from now. You might not want to use AWS or Google or Azure or any sort of system like that. They don’t seem to keep their solutions available for that long. So you’ll need to host something yourself and make sure it’s resilient to a multitude of scenarios that might bring the “back end” down.

    You’d also need to set-up some sort of test for the system to make sure it’s still running and it’ll do what you want it to. Maybe it runs every 3 months or so like a fire system drill.

    Honestly the trigger can be something as simple as you hitting a button connected to your system every week with a way for it to ping and prompt you to do it you if you haven’t “reset” the counter in a timely fashion.

    I would probably do something like that with a weekly cadence and a whole other week to make sure I don’t miss the reset.

    You probably also want to be able to set it to different modes if you think you will be away for a while. Like a vacation mode or oh shit I’m in the hospital mode.

    Additionally, I also wouldn’t be as fatalistic as sending goodbyes to everyone. I would use it more as a system to sound an alarm that I’m not okay and something has happened to me and communicate that with people who could do something about it. Like verify if I’m alive or not, or contact local authorities to post a missing persons report.

    This same system of notifying could also allow closer people to me to trigger an “oh shit I’m dead mode” which would then execute whatever is in that idea of yours.

    7 months ago

    I always thought it was just like an email set to future send in say a week or 2, then every few days or every week you go in and bump forward the date.

    I always heard a Dead Man’s Switch defined as a switch which goes off once you stop pressing it. So you just set up something to go off in the future, then for as long as you’re alive you keep preventing it from going off.

      7 months ago

      As long as you’re okay with the edge cases on that: jailed, hospitalized, or other event lasting two weeks and your switch goes off.

        7 months ago

        Yep, false positives are a problem for a dead man’s switch.

        Two weeks without being able to get internet access or word to a friend is definitely possible but seems pretty unlikely.

        You could make it more than 2 weeks out but I think that’s a good middle ground between avoiding false positives and striking while the iron is hot, you know? Imagine sending an email beginning “if you’re reading this I’m dead…” and having recipients think “Yeah, that was ages ago.”

    7 months ago

    Leave instructions in your will for your executor to carry out after you are gone. The high tech stuff is not needed. Several times on forums or in other places, someone passes away and word gets around. In some cases the member’s widow will log in to relay the news and maybe share some memories of the deceased. That means they must have been given the account password for such purposes.

    7 months ago

    Just have a requirement that you sign into the system every N hours and respond to a simple challenge. Once you stop doing that, it auto-fires when the time has run out.

    7 months ago

    Thor from Pirate Software (a game studio) does this. He has his set up so that if he doesn’t log into a specific server for a year, the source code to his game will be automatically published.

    You could do the same thing. Just grab a super cheap server that checks the last login date and sends out emails.

    7 months ago

    From low tech to high tech:

    • You could put a box in your closet that says “In case I die”
    • You could make a website with a password that your loved ones can log into to mark you as dead
    • You could use a physical device like a magtag, and when you push the button on it it resets a countdown timer that, when it goes off does the thing
    • You could scrape your email server and reset the timer whenever it sees a sent message
    • You could set up your phone to reset the timer every time you unlock it
    • You could set up facial recognition cameras that would reset the timer when they see you
    • You could use differential equations to predict the exact moment of your death and schedule messages to be sent after that
      7 months ago

      The phone one is a great idea, no?

      On iOS you can use shortcuts to hit a web hook and on Android I’m sure the options are endless.

      I have thought about this problem before and I like the phone idea.

    7 months ago

    I think the classic choice is a ping with a wide enough margin of error to allow for temporary incapacitation. There are a plethora of ways to do this and the main concern would probably be obfuscation of the trigger and a proof of identity. In the modern world the cheap solution I’d suggest is connecting a server with a 2FA app on your phone and having a request string/web page where you can input a token. If the server goes a few days without a correct token it triggers the death script.

    I’d avoid anything that actively pings you since that traffic would be predictable and easier to snoop - potentially alerting a bad actor to the fact you have such a system setup… you also, obviously, don’t want to tell anyone you have such a system. And you definitely want some kind of rotating identity proof so that replay attacks can’t indefinitely delay the script trigger - random ass 2FA apps might be too easy to identify in this regard but it’s so trivial and accessible to implement that I think it’s a reasonable choice.

    7 months ago

    Some form of compute with a recurring job that checks for a DNS address or domain.

    Choose a domain that needs to be regularly paid for as a target.

    Reason I would choose something you pay for as the trigger is because not paying a bill after your death is one thing that will be actioned on no matter what.

    7 months ago

    You could build a mobile/watch app that communicates to a self hosted server when the device gets unlocked. if you don’t get that signal at least once over a week, trigger the switch.

    7 months ago

    I saw a meme about someone setting their Apple Watch to delete their browser history if their heartbeat dropped below 5, maybe something like that?

    7 months ago

    I thinking of using a VPS to do the actions because it would be running for a while before my debit card gets cancelled.

    Your debit card could be cancelled very quickly. But most VPS providers allow you to pay in advance, so you could maintain something like $100 credit with the provider… which goes a long way if they charge $5 per month for example.