I can get behind murder. I feel like this, to some extend, is a genuine part of human behaviour. Even the horrific aftermath of such. But genocide truly feels inhuman to me. So I can never fundamentally understand how in history, civilizations went from point A to point B to Point Genocide. Any thoughts on this?

  • Adderbox76@lemmy.ca
    3 months ago

    You begin by classifying anyone you don’t know as “the others”… They’re not like you. They don’t share your values. Their ways are weird.

    If you use that language with your citizens long enough, it slowly seeps in that those people aren’t really people at all. Eventually, killing them isn’t killing humans, it’s just getting rid of vermin; poisoning rats or bug-bombing your home.

    You see politicians doing it every day. They’re not humans…they’re “illegals”, is probably the most modern example. But it’s insidious, and pervasive. Slowly and deliberately inuring a populous to greater and larger acts of inhumanity.

    The short answer is that it doesn’t just happen. It’s a culmination of a process that ends with one group of people completely rejected the very humanity of another group. After that, who cares if they die.

  • TechNerdWizard42@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    You ever drown or wipe out an ant colony? Take down a wasps nest? Swat away the hoards of mosquitos annoying you?

    That’s genocide but they aren’t what you would consider equals as a human. I’m aware some super vegan froo froos, do. But anyways. Your ability to genocide an entire village of beings you don’t consider equal is where most of these feelings come from.

    It’s also why the playbook, heavily updated by Hitler in the past, and Israel today, say that’s an important step. Dehumanize your enemy. Then wiping them off the face of the earth is a casual comment much like calling an exterminator to genocide those pesky wasps under your front porch. And I’m not being snarky when I say Israeli playbook. They have published and public books on exactly how to do this, how to wage a propaganda war, etc. It is not a secret. The US, and other 5 eye countries also follows the same aided by their intelligence agencies because it’s so powerful on the majority of low intellect people. Remember half the people are below average intelligence… Many that are above average aren’t interested. So you always have a minority that can critically think for themselves. The rest want it spoonfed.

    Edit: Also if you want a laugh, Eddie Izzard somewhat explains it in his Dressed To Kill tour.

  • sailingbythelee@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Imagine that you know someone who intends to kill you. You can run and hide, or you can can kill them instead. Genocide is that on a large scale.

    Or at least that’s the version of genocide thar is easiest to understand. There is also the Nazi version where you kill an entire people just because you hate them, not because they threaten you or have a resource that you desperately need for survival.

    There is also the type of genocide that was committed against the indigenous people of the Americas. That happened over a long period of time and over two continents. It involved every type of genocide noted above at different times and places, plus the initial accidental genocide by disease (probably influenza) that killed off about 90% of the population prior to the colonizing that came later.

    And just because you can’t imagine it doesn’t mean you wouldn’t do it in the right circumstances. There is nothing more human than genocide. The only other animal that does it is chimps, if I remember correctly.

    Sorry, that is a depressing note to end this comment on. Humans are scary.

  • FireTower@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    A prerequisite is ceasing to see others as individuals but rather groups. Then the (possibly fictional) crimes of one become the crimes of all. Thusly it is justifiable to punish all.

    The important lesson here is to treat others as individuals, not as representatives of a group.

  • Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Enough people accepting it and not resisting.

    Like we’re seeing right now from all the liberals saying that they will vote for Biden anyways.