• TexMexBazooka@lemm.ee
    7 months ago

    If you are working for a paycheck, you do not touch capital.

    Ok so I have my beef with capitalism, for sure, but this is inaccurate. People all over the country own property, shares in public and private companies, shares of government utilities, just to name a few examples.

    Ownership of things does get distributed through capitalism. As manipulated as it is, that’s the concept of the stock market.

    I’m not rich, but I do own a small amount of capital. My net worth far, far exceeds what I have in my bank account when you account for my car that I’ve paid off, small investments that have appreciated over time, stuff like that.

    Now the top of the capitalist class? They have SO MUCH cash, and so many resources to draw on that they can manipulate stock prices and company values at will. That’s where the whole system starts to break down.

    • MotoAsh@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      'Ownership of things DOES get distrivuted…"

      Uhhhh, no? Are you dumb? Owning stock in a company is far, FAR removed from owning any part of a company’s assets.

        • ComradeSharkfucker@lemmy.ml
          7 months ago

          Capital is not money, capital can be represented by money but it is not inherently money. Capital is something you use to buy someone’s labor. More specifically it is the social relationship between wage labor and profit. Assets (private property) used to produce profit (surplus value) are capital

          Capital is “the characteristic the means of production acquire when they are used to hire labor and generate surplus value”

          “Capital is dead labour, that, vampire-like, only lives by sucking living labour, and lives the more, the more labour it sucks.”