Got back to lemmy barely today, was reading worldnews and put some comments. Got banned in 20 minutes. What happened to this place? People were complaining about reddit mods and now this? You can spread antisemitic propaganda freely and we can’t even comment? Fucking hell

    7 months ago

    they could carpet bomb the entire place, who will stop them?

    They want to make it look as little as a genocide as possible. Gotta keep those billions of USD coming. $$$$

    Civilian deaths are inevitable when militants hide under hospitals and shoot from schools. It’s on Hamas and their militants.

    I suppose that nobody would be being attacked from hospitals and schools if Israel wasnt in the area. Attacking those places is a choice. Choices have consequences.

    There are roads only Jews can use? That’s a myth.

    A myth you say?

    At the end of the day. It’s all fucked. Fuck Hamas. Fuck Israel. It’s the Palestinian people suffering through all this fuckery.