No more Pornhub? That will depend on what happens with a Senate bill::A Senate bill might cause the owners of Pornhub to block access to the site in Canada, its owners say.

    7 months ago

    I don’t trust them first off, but even trusting them to not voluntarily disclose it doesn’t mean they won’t have a security breach and disclose it involuntarily. Also, the database has to be created and queried somehow; some employees and govt workers will be able to see what queries are made. Even trusting the business and the govt and the security of both, I don’t trust those random people having access to that info.

    What evidence do you have to give the website that you are person X that they’re running the database query against? If that’s an ID there’s going to be some available online, or a kid can just sneak it from the parent. Everything I’ve heard proposed for the identification strategy is either grossly invasive or quite easy to step over.

    I don’t believe that Canada will actually enforce this across all websites. If they do it on only the large/main ones, it makes it harder for kids to access the relatively safe and legal porn hosted on sites making effort to follow the law, and pushes them towards sites that aren’t making such an effort and therefore probably have more objectionable content.

      7 months ago

      To put a positive spin on that…

      If they enforced it on the big sites it would push many users (not just the kids) to other sites.

      This could work toward breaking up the monopoly held by just a few big porn companies, and could be a good thing for the consumers.

      Not all smaller sites are inherently nefarious. Maybe we’ll see some competition start to rise. And maybe that competition won’t be entirely full of “I fucked my sister/brother and/or my mom/dad” type porn like all the big companies keep cranking out.