• LucasWaffyWaf@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Dad’s dead, mom’s dead to me.

    There was never much of a connection that I felt with my mom. We never did much together growing up outside of the occasional movie night. Never really talked much about her own personal life, growing up or present. Once she called me a selfish brat in my teen years after I opened up to her about me nearly committing suicide any desire to have a personal relationship with her was dropped behind like fingerprints on an abandoned handrail.

    Our relationship today is cordial, but strained. Mostly strained on my end, I think. Iunno. We spend time together around holidays, birthdays involve taking each other out somewhere lovely for dinner, we cook meals for each other for Thanksgiving, and Christmas gift exchanges are enjoyable. Sometimes I try something with her like watching MST3K together, but usually she does or says something to snap me back to reality (like “joking” about my obvious atheist ass going to hell.) If she suddenly drops dead or if I move countries and never see her again, I won’t celebrate it, but I won’t shed a tear.