Firefox for Android has been a disappointment in the mobile browser world for a while now. Let’s go through the many reasons why Firefox for Android just isn’t measuring up:

  1. Android’s security measures are lackluster. It’s like leaving a toddler to guard a candy store - not very effective.
  2. Certificate Issues: Firefox for Android is like a friend who never gives you the full scoop. While Chrome reveals all the details about a website’s security certificates, Firefox leaves users in the dark.
  3. Engine Rewrite Fail: Firefox for Android attempted to one-up Chrome by rewriting their engine, but the result was a flop bigger than my last cake-baking attempt.
  4. No Mute Tab Option: Firefox for Android doesn’t offer any way to mute tabs, a feature that Chrome has had built-in for ages.
  5. Limited Extension Support: Firefox for Android is trying to lure users away from Chrome by supporting 450 extensions, but browsers like Yandex, Samsung Internet, and Kiwi have offered full extension support for years. Firefox is late to the party, and their limited selection might not be enough to sway users who value extensive customization.
  6. Unclear Address Bar Search: When you search in the address bar of Firefox for Android, only the search term is displayed, making it difficult to ascertain if the URL is legitimate or not.
  7. Persistent Full-Screen Bug: The full-screen bug ( has been hanging around Firefox for Android for years, and they’re slower than a sloth when it comes to fixing it.
  8. Lackluster Design: Firefox for Android’s design is like a cheap knock-off of a premium product.
  9. Analytics Overload: Firefox for Android has both Google and Firefox Analytics baked in. Talk about bloatware.
  10. Compatibility Issues: Firefox for Android breaks more sites than a bull in a china shop. Compatibility is not its strong suit.
  11. Bookmark Management Troubles: Firefox for Android’s limitations on editing bookmarks are frustrating. Unlike other browsers, it doesn’t allow users to edit bookmarks while searching, making the process cumbersome and inefficient. Although it lets you select multiple bookmarks, the only available option is to delete them - other options mysteriously vanish. Furthermore, the inability to change the position of bookmarks makes organizing your favorites a tedious task. These limitations hinder the overall user experience and leave Firefox for Android lagging behind its competitors in terms of bookmark management.
  12. Limited Customization: Firefox for Android claims to be “customizable,” but it doesn’t offer any significant customization options that Chrome doesn’t already have. While Firefox does provide some basic customization features, such as enabling or disabling the shortcuts and jump back in features on the homepage, these options are also available in Chrome. In fact, Chrome offers additional customization features like moving the search bar to the bottom, adding widgets to the home screen, and a dark mode. Thus, Firefox for Android falls short in terms of offering anything truly unique or groundbreaking in the realm of customization.
  13. No Tab Groups: Firefox for Android is stuck in the past, with no option for tab groups.
  14. Outdated Tablet UI: Don’t expect a modern tablet UI from Firefox for Android - it’s still living in the 2000s.
  15. Poor WebAssembly Support: Firefox for Android struggles with WebAssembly, leading to more issues than solutions.
  16. Lack of Complete Video Format Support: Firefox for Android doesn’t support all video formats, leaving users frustrated and searching for alternative browsers.
  17. No Offline Dino Game: Firefox for Android takes itself too seriously to include a fun offline game like Chrome’s Dino game.
  18. Unreliable Cached Pages: Firefox for Android’s cached pages are about as reliable as a broken compass. You’re better off using smoke signals.
  19. Bloated and Slow: Firefox for Android is more bloated than Chrome, making it slower and less efficient.
  20. All Talk, No Action: Firefox for Android is like a friend who always promises to do better, but never follows through.
  21. Clumsy Performance: Firefox for Android is like a clumsy waiter - always dropping the ball. Stick with Chrome, folks. It may not be perfect, but at least it won’t leave you hanging.
    • LemmyUser1290a@lemmy.worldOP
      7 months ago

      Oh did i hurt your feeling because mozilla didn’t add that and that.

      and also i did contribute using ChatGPT as everyone also does.

      do you think mozilla accepts every contribute or doesn’t ignore it for years just like this simple bugzilla.

      and do you think everyone is a dev.

      im not a dev i am a user.

      also this is not a shitpost and this whole sub is shitposting just because i posted something negative doesn’t make it a shitpost.

        7 months ago
        1. You don’t hurt my feelings because none of what you say is based in facts. You can tell me the sky is green but that won’t hurt my feelings as I stare into the deep blue sky.

        2. ChatGPT isn’t open source, it is proprietary.

        3. Users can submit issues, no dev bona fides required.

        4. They do not accept every issue, true. In fact yours probably won’t get accepted because it is baseless, not proved or cited, incorrect, a shitpost, etc. Constructive, evidence based criticism is not what you have done. These are unfounded criticisms, or personal preferences laced with ad hominem. This is shitposting.

        • LemmyUser1290a@lemmy.worldOP
          7 months ago

          Although this post may be a shitpost, it highlights the issues with Firefox for Android and points out that it is behind Chrome in terms of performance on the Android platform. Additionally, the ‘All sites’ feature in Chrome, which allows users to view all websites saved on their phone, including cached and cookie data, is not available in Firefox. This feature is important as it enables users to have control over their privacy by preventing random websites from saving cookies or cache data on their device without their knowledge.

            7 months ago

            I invite you to look at add-ons, this is an add-on for firefox. Your criticisms fall into some categories: pure preference, features already in Firefox Mobile, or baseless criticism lobbied against “fanboys”.

            People have many reasons for supporting and using an open source project that does not use Blink/WebKit and/or one that isn’t capitalistically driven, etc. Chrome is spyware.

            I’m happy that you have an alternative but don’t be surprised that people will push back when your arguments are not clear and shrouded in watery ad-hominem.