For me it is always 3rd. Its almost like I’m an actor in my own dream. Few times I realize it, but then just wake up.

    9 months ago

    Yup. I practically never dream in first person perspective and that’s about it. Think of it like watching a tv show or a movie and accepting uncritically that the character on the screen is you.

    Funnily enough I have another weird aspect of dreaming that I have discovered is very common amongst other trans people. My dream self used to roughly 95% of the time used to be represented physically as my internalized gender…or sometimes would just be rendered as a featureless void capable of interacting with the world and recognized internally as me I suppose is the best way to explain it. Probably sounds a bit Magnus Archives. However post social transition the ratio has changed the opposite direction and now I am represented in dreams by my real world like appearance about 60% of the time… Which I am not the biggest fan of to be honest but my waking world comfort levels have increased so it’s not the worst.