The whole world has gone fucking crazy!

  1. I am a veteran.
  2. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a 3.75 out of 4.00 GPA.

And everyone wants to use asinine assessment tests to gatekeep me out of a job. I already jumped through four fucking years of hoops, spent tens of thousands of dollars, gave up tens of thousands of dollars via opportunity costs (I could have been working a job during that time).

And if I don’t complete their test I don’t get the job and the person with a GED or High School diploma who does complete it gets the job. They only want compliance and the abilty to utterly control you.

    7 months ago

    Just because you can buy a degree, doesn’t mean you have a damn clue how to perform the work. Degree’s and certs are a good indicator of a qualified candidate, but by no means can they be trusted. Even being a vet doesn’t mean a lot by itself. Although I do have to say, all of the vets I’ve known with degrees, have been highly effective employees.

    • hate_the_world@lemmy.worldOP
      7 months ago

      Well, I am very close to killing myself because I am living in my car, running out of money, and cannot get a job. So, it’s nice to know that the four years I spent getting a degree means absolutely nothing.

      People refuse to do any sort of critical thinking about what is on my resume.

      On my resume is states that I was a paratrooper in the U.S. Army. Do you now how many people have ever asked me about that in an interview? NONE! It’s never mentioned.

      My first year of college overlaps with my last year of being in the Army. The dates are right there on the resume. Do you know how many people have noticed that? NONE!

      With a slight amount of critical thinking people would look at that and think, “hmmm, I bet that was a difficult experience and I imagine this person has some sort of ambition and work ethic”.

      I had to wake up at 4:30AM everyday to do 5 mile runs or morning PT, work all day until 5PM, and then go to night school from 5:30PM to 9PM. I was the only person in my Battalion who went to college. While all the other soldiers drank and partied in the barracks nights and weekends I went to college. It’s never even noticed in an interview.

      So, thanks for your empathy. Like I originally stated the world has gone fucking crazy.

      Also, I didn’t buy a degree - I earned it. And your logic is that “Degrees and certs cannot be trusted” but some 15 minute bullshit personality test or assessment is a trustworthy indicator.

      If you see that someone is a veteran with an honorable discharge and has earned a four year degree then you should be able to do a tiny amount of critical thinking and realize that this person has the ability to jump through some hoops and has done so for years.

        7 months ago

        What does being a veteran have to do with most jobs? If it doesn’t matter for the job, why would they need to ask questions?

        Sounds like you just want/need a handout since you are a veteran, life doesn’t work that way, plenty of other people paid their way to get their degrees instead of being paid by the government to get one as well. So what makes you deserve the job more?

            7 months ago

            Pointing out their follies in their logic is being a dick? How are they supposed to get perspective if everyone just ignores the elephant in the room? Gotta deal with the root of the issue before even addressing what goes forward. Even without the test they likely wouldn’t be hired if this is their attitude. Being a veteran means nothing to 99% of jobs, and if it’s not relevant they aren’t gonna ask follow up questions. Literally that simple.

            Buddy wants a handout since they are a veteran and are saying they are better than other people just for that single reason.

        7 months ago

        Buddy, it’s a rough time but you can make it. Please don’t hurt yourself! If you need someone to talk to feel free to DM me, I’ve been there.

        7 months ago

        Don’t kill yourself. Your life is worth living, even if this is a rough patch.

        Just because you have excellent ethics and qualifications doesn’t mean everyone else is so truthful and honest. An assessment is just a small filter to ensure everyone is on the same page. It’s like requalifying as a sharp shooter periodically.

        Your four year degree has value, it demonstatres you can focus and complete a multi-year project successfully. That’s valuable in industry.