My feelings move towards the ultimate responsibility is on society (all of us) for not creating a better system. Though there are always going to be people that just don’t give a fuck.

    8 months ago

    A society is defined by it’s individuals, as are it’s laws.

    Ideally, the laws of a society represent the will of all it’s individuals, since that is impossible, we have to go for the best case instead, meaning that the laws of a society represent the will of the vast majority of it’s individuals at best.

    So we have society creating laws that fits most people, but not everyone.

    This means that some people will break the laws, we can generalize those people into two groups:

    A. Those who break the law because they want to.

    B. Those who break the law because they need to.

    Regarding group A, I’d mostly see them as responsible for their own actions, but as with other incidents, an investigation to the root cause of why the person broke the law, and if the law is fair and just.

    Regarding group B, if someone needs to break the law, then it is a failiure of society as it has failed to give the person proper support to give the person an option other than to break the law.