My feelings move towards the ultimate responsibility is on society (all of us) for not creating a better system. Though there are always going to be people that just don’t give a fuck.

    8 months ago

    Some of both, and depending massively on the crime. On one hand, if someone is stealing food to survive, thats on the society. On the other hand, if someone randomly decides to murder and eat a person, with no prior history, theres not much a society can do to prevent it. In general, for the sorts of crime that first come to mind with the word, I’d say its far more society’s responsibly (or at least that of those ruling) as the average crime is usually victumless or only impacts those who won’t feel it, and more extreme crimes are usually preventable with proper systems. That said, a lot of political and white collar crime is more the responsibility of the individual as there is rarely any need for it aside from unrestrained greed or cruelty.