I’ll start: I tried to move a bookshelf while drunk about 6 years ago and tore a tendon in my shoulder pretty damn good. It still bothers me sometimes if I move it wrong or sleep on it wrong.

  • threeduck@aussie.zone
    5 months ago

    Got WAY TOO drunk at a club, kicked out (which I genuinely accepted with good grace). Walking home, realised I’d forgotten my jacket. Figured I’d just nip in past the bouncer, grab the jacket and leave without bothering anyone. I didn’t nip past. I got bounced. Rebuffed from the club, and pushed backwards I fell over and broke my foot (a Jones fracture). Was in a moon boot for 3 months or so, but now it hurts whenever I walk wrong.

    • Pr0v3n@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Was this even an argument? Tomato sauce is incredible and a stable on hotdogs and Bunnings snags. Are there anti-tomato sauce hotdog people??

        • Pr0v3n@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          Ahh fair fair. That’s my aussie ignorance showing.

          Does ketchup taste like tomato sauce on a hotdog then?

          I’ve always assumed Ketchup was the Americanism for tomato sauce.

            • cobysev@lemmy.world
              5 months ago

              Jam and jelly are two different things. Jam is made with actual fruit chunks (usually crushed or pureed), whereas jelly is made with just the fruit juice.

              • Deceptichum@kbin.social
                5 months ago

                Nah jam is the stuff you spread on toast or a roast.

                Jelly is the wobbly gelatinous blob that Americans call “jell-o”.

          • Haus@kbin.social
            5 months ago

            As an American who has spent time in Oz, I can clarify. In Oz, what you call tomato sauce is what we call ketchup/catsup. In the US, tomato sauce is either the primary ingredient in things like spaghetti sauce, or it can be used to differentiate a red spaghetti sauce from something like an alfredo sauce.

            Source: asked if I wanted tomato sauce at Macca’s.

    • athos77@kbin.social
      5 months ago

      ketchup on hotdogs is good actually

      For me it depends on the wrapping, and I honestly don’t know why. But if the [bun / bread] is toasted, then it has to be mustard. If it’s not toasted, then it has to be ketchup. If it’s steamed, then mustard and sauerkraut. And again, I have no idea why.

  • jubilationtcornpone@sh.itjust.works
    5 months ago

    When I was a teenager we had a giant trampoline. One time I was jumping on it and I landed wrong and tweaked something in my back. From then on, If I twisted just right, I would have some sort of spasm in my lower back that would immediately put me on my knees. It used to happen fairly frequently but it’s very rare anymore. I probably should have had it looked at but I didn’t. I’m haven’t been on a trampoline since. No need to aggravate that injury.

  • brvslvrnst@lemmy.ml
    5 months ago

    Was doing deliveries in college, considered the fastest one there. This was due to be actively running orders to houses / apartments.

    Well, one such occasion I was coming back through a dark parking lot and thought I had another foot before the curb. Proceeded to land on the side of my ankle and roll to the ground. Figured it was fine (forgot adrenaline was a thing) so I got back to the car and drove to the store. Manager told me to go home lol.

    Getting home, finally pulled off the shoes and socks and, boy oh boy, there was a softball in my ankle. University med clinic said it was just a severe sprain and to just keep off it.

    To this day, 10 years on, my ankle is still slightly swollen. I can still run and walk on it though

  • DumbAceDragon@sh.itjust.works
    5 months ago

    Slipped on a treadmill as it was running and chipped my tooth. Had to get it capped twice since the first cap fell off after a couple years. Not supposed to chew gum any since that happened but that hasn’t stopped me.

  • xkforce@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    I injured my left arm years ago overdoing it on weight lifting and its still quite messed up.

  • Dethedrus@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Bent down to pick up a kitten in my garage when I was 8. It was under a car engine suspended on a lift, and I brained myself badly while standing up. Lots of blood, seizures due to three TBI and resultant swelling. Thankfully my mother bravely stood up to the mean old doctor insisting I needed surgery to relieve the swelling and instead treated me with psychic healing and veggie smoothies. It only hurts sometimes 45 years later.

    Bent down to pick up a box while cleaning an extra bedroom that had become infested with bees (they had started a hive in the wall due to an unseen opening happened around a hot water pipe after an earthquake). Frustrated due to both the intense heat and the bees that had only left their hive due to said heat, tried lifting said box, not realizing it was full of books and simultaneously ignoring a lifetime of working around my chronic back issues. I stopped trying to stand once I resembled a fleshy right angle and had to crawl out of the room on my hands and knees. A lovely 40 mph fender bender later that year (I was at a complete stop as were the cars in front of me) made that a delightful addition to my back problems.

    Same year, I was making Hasselback potatoes for the first time. I have a seldom used but quite nice food processor, but decided ‘hell, why not use the mandolin?’ About an 1/8" of my right ring fingertip, that’s why not, dumbass! Thankfully it grew back, but the very tip looks like a light burn scar and it’s still somewhat numb and tingly when touched 9 years later.

  • Kostyeah@lemmy.ca
    5 months ago

    I was really into skiing when I was younger, and would go every weekend with my buddy and his dad. I tried to outrun them, fell, and tumbled. My shoulder was very badly sprained, and I couldn’t use it for like a month. Now from time to time it flares up again, and the pain comes back for a few hours. The shoulder is also much easier to sprain now, every time I fall it’s out of commission for weeks. I went to my doctor, who told me that nothing is broken and there’s nothing he can do about it.

  • anguo@lemmy.ca
    5 months ago

    I was playing soccer on a roof when I was around 5 years old. Backed into the then-knee-high wall and fell, head first, 4 meters onto a cement floor. I miraculously broke my fall by hitting something midway, and managed to survive it with just a cracked shoulder, sprained ankle and a couple of stitches on my forehead.

    However, I realized years later that my left collarbone now pops out every time I lift my arm over my head.

  • RememberTheApollo@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    …and how quickly did it affect you?

    Would be good additional information.

    IOW, messed up your knees doing track events in college, got a knee replacement at 50 because you couldn’t take the pain anymore.

    • Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOP
      5 months ago

      The pain was immediate

      I put my shoulder into the shelf and the it made a squelching popping sounds and hurt like hell

      I waited 2 weeks before I went to the doctor because I was pretty damn broke and both my deductible and my out of pocket max were pretty damn high

      When I finally did go to the doctor they did an ultrasound of my shoulder. I was talking with the tech who was doing the ultrasound and they suddenly sucked air through their teeth and went, “Oh that’s not good.”

      3 months of physical therapy got it back to about 80% functional. After a year it was closer to about 95%. It’s basically plateaued there but at least it only bothers me sometimes now rather than every breath I took like when it happened.

      • RememberTheApollo@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        Damn. Ouch. Had a rotator cuff injury. Took a couple days before it actually set in, but when it did, it sucked. Had to sleep with my arm hanging off the bed in a certain position, hurt if I rasied my arm past a certain point. Couldn’t put my arm behind me at all. Dr basically said I could take 6 months and try to work through it with some exercises or get surgery and take 6 months beyond that for recovery. Chose the former, surgery is no guarantee, and it’s up to about 98% after a year or so. Only once in a while reaching behind me do I notice a little loss of range of motion, but that’s about it.

  • GONADS125@feddit.de
    5 months ago

    I was about a story and a half high in a magnolia tree when I was about 10, and I had walked out on one branch, holding a smaller branch for balance.

    I didn’t realize the one I was standing on was dead, and it snapped at the trunk… The small branch I was holding wasn’t enough to hold my weight, and it snapped too.

    The branch I was standing on bounced off the springy ground that was many years worth of shedded leaves, and it hit me in the lower back just before I was about to land on the ground.

    It caused a minor fracture in a vertebrate, and caused me a lot of pain at the time, but I didn’t complain because I didn’t want to be “a little girl” (I had two unforgiving older brothers). When I was in 8th grade, I had my first back ache and had x-rays which found the childhood fracture which mishealed due to not being treated.

    It still causes me a lot of trouble whenever I’m bent over for long or if I have a back ache.

    Both of my hands have some scar tissue which gives me some trouble about 1/11 of the times I do a pinching/clamp kind of grip. Those injuries were from sticking my hands in a dog’s mouth to pry his mouth off of my dog’s throat last year. At first, all my might wasn’t enough, and he chomped the fuck out of my hands.

    Then my adrenaline kicked in and I pried his mouth open like it was nothing. I then kind of suplexed and wrestled the dog so mine could be taken to safety. I don’t regret it one bit, but it was definitely a stupid thing to do… but I can still play the piano just fine!

    I also came dangerously close to losing an eye from a tooth or nail. It happened so fast I’m not sure what did it. Here are some pictures.

    • Landless2029@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Wow that sucks.

      I wonder what the correct procedure would be to pry open a dog’s mouth.

      With a croc you can pry it open and hold with less effort than your account. I would hope since a dog is less armored one can strike at the head/throat to knock it out or cause it to go slack…

      Edit: that rabbit hole got dark


      • GONADS125@feddit.de
        5 months ago

        Well this dog’s head was bigger than mine, and I remember from Mythbusters that a medium-sized trained attack dog they used as an analog had around a 500-600 pound bite-force. So this German Shepherd/Great Pyrenees mix definitely had a greater bite-force than 600 pounds.

        I later learned the ‘proper’ way to separate fighting dogs is to pull them apart by their hind legs. You’re less likely to be bit that way.

        I love my dogs as much as my human family members, and I just went caveman and charged in like an idiot…

        • Landless2029@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          100% I’d have gone for the jaws myself. Hands be damned. I’m just wondering what’s the best way to deal with it.

          Looking into it all articles are about preventing conflict or what you should do if YOU get bit.

          Not how to get a dog off a child/pet…

          • Hrothgar59@lemmy.world
            5 months ago

            Walking my dog one day and met a random stranger also walking his dog, he bent down to pat my dog and his dog attacked mine, the stranger used his hands to pry open his dogs mouth and got bit. I took my dog to the vet to get stitches, and explained what happened. The vet informed me the best way to stop a dog biting down on something is to insert your finger in its arse, I have never had reason to use this knowledge so far.

  • BiggestBulb@kbin.run
    5 months ago

    I sneezed about 5 years ago and I haven’t been able to look up and to the right without pain since then. It’s a minor pain, but definitely still there in my neck.

      • BiggestBulb@kbin.run
        5 months ago

        I unfortunately can’t afford that. It’s not bad enough and hasn’t changed at all over 5 years, so frankly the doctors here would likely just say “yes, just don’t look that direction anymore”

  • pearsaltchocolatebar@discuss.online
    5 months ago

    I slipped going down a slope on a hiking trail, but didn’t let go of the tree I was using for balance. This caused my chest and shoulder muscles to hyper extend.

    Now I have slap tears in both shoulders and arthritis in my sternum.

  • swordsmanluke@programming.dev
    5 months ago

    I never felt my hand break.

    The tip of my opponent’s long sword snapped into the back of my right hand, just behind the pinkie. There was no flash of incandescent pain, no stars in my sight - my mind was too focused on the swordfight. My opponent had scored a hit - and it had hurt, even through my glove - but adrenaline, as they say, is a hell of a drug.

    After the tournament, it became clear that something was wrong. My hand began to swell and deform, my right pinkie levering itself inward across my palm until it was sitting at nearly 30° off true. Its nail sat jauntily behind the second knuckle of my middle finger. Making a fist was impossible.

    Unfortunately, I was nineteen and had neither cash nor insurance for a doctor. So I did the next best thing - ignored it and told people it was probably just a bad sprain. When people suggested I see a doctor i responded, “What’s a doctor gonna do? Tell me it’s broken and take it easy? I’ll save the money.”

    After a few weeks the swelling had gone down enough that I could finally feel the bones in my hand. Where there had once been a single line from wrist to knuckle, I could now feel an ‘x’. An ‘x’ which had clearly spent the last few weeks knitting together at a now permanent bad angle.

    It occurred to me then what a doctor would do - set it properly. But now they’d need to re-break the bone.

    Unfortunately I still had neither insurance nor cash.

    What I did have was a freezer full of popsicles and a small toolbox. I ate a popsicle. And then put the stick between my teeth as I braced my right hand on the table and raised a hammer in my left.

    WHAM … WHAM!

    I hauled on my pinkie to pull the now-separated bones out straight then massaged them into position until things felt roughly aligned properly.

    … Many years later I had health insurance and told my doctor this story and asked if he could x-ray it for me. A week later I received a letter in the mail. Inside was a printout of my hand x-ray with the healed break circled in pen. Besides the circle was a note: “Good job with the hammer”.

    All things considered I did a pretty good job, but it’s not quite perfect. My pinkie still leans inward - just a hair. Just enough to remind me.

    • NaoPb@eviltoast.org
      5 months ago

      Wow, impressive story. And even more impressive that you managed to rebreak it. That must’ve hurt so much.

      • swordsmanluke@programming.dev
        5 months ago

        …Can confirm. I had a bit of a macho steak at nineteen where I kept trying to test my pain tolerance.

        I learned that I max out somewhere around taking a sword thrust to the eye. After that, I didn’t feel the need to test it any more