Bubba Copeland shot himself in front of police on Friday, days after he begged 1819 News not to expose his private life.

  • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    Hours before Copeland’s death, Hemant Mehta, who runs the popular religion blog Friendly Atheist, noted that Copeland did not appear to have bigoted views toward transgender people or people who simply enjoy cross-dressing.

    “There’s a story making the rounds about an Alabama preacher/mayor who secretly dresses in drag and adopts the persona of a trans woman on social media,” Mehta tweeted. “The problem? It’s not clear he’s a hypocrite. If he’s not a bigot, why is he being outed?”


    • unoriginalsin@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      Mehta tweeted. “The problem? It’s not clear he’s a hypocrite. If he’s not a bigot, why is he being outed?”

      Maybe we shouldn’t be outing anyone. One’s personal sexuality isn’t anybody else’s business. Even if one is a bigot.

      • downpunxx@kbin.social
        9 months ago

        nah, if you’re an elected political official with power over other peoples lives, and you’re a bigot, it’s open fuckin season, and i’d recommend outting every single last goddamned one of them

          • downpunxx@kbin.social
            9 months ago

            All Republicans are hypocritical bigots, by definition. It’s the core of their political party, it’s who they signed up to be identified with, it’s who they are, or in the case of this poor bigoted fuck, were. I don’t want to see any “but this was a nice republican” bullshit. After the Southern Strategy in 1964, all Republicans are trash, every single one.

            Institutionalized racism, misogyny, homophobia, and white Christian separatism as party platform. No matter how “conservative” Republicans claimed to be, The Southern Strategy was the core value and singular driving force for the past 60 years. MAGA isn’t a symptom, it’s result.

            • Bizarroland@kbin.social
              9 months ago

              Maybe the politicians, I could agree with that, but most Republican voters are not on board with the southern strategy and all of this other stuff.

              All the majority know is that they hate Democrats, and that is why they vote the way they do. Human beings are creatures of habit after all.

              Besides, even if a group of people are doing bad things en masse, it’s ultimately counterproductive to lump the followers in with the leaders. It makes it harder for the followers to break from the leaders that are leading them down the wrong path.

              I am anti-republican politics, and I don’t get along with Republican voters, but I’m not going to call the guy at the gas station evil because he votes Republican because his dad voted Republican because his dad voted Republican.

  • downpunxx@kbin.social
    9 months ago

    All Republicans are hypocritical bigots, by definition. It’s the core of their political party, it’s who they signed up to be identified with, it’s who they are, or in the case of this poor bigoted fuck, were. I don’t want to see any “but this was a nice republican” bullshit. After the Southern Strategy in 1964, all Republicans are trash, every single one.

    Institutionalized racism, misogyny, homophobia, and white Christian separatism as party platform. No matter how “conservative” Republicans claimed to be, The Southern Strategy was the core value and singular driving force for the past 60 years. MAGA isn’t a symptom, it’s result.

  • ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    1819 News published the username to Copeland’s Reddit and Instagram accounts, writing that he posed “in various outfits, some more racy than others.” The blog also said that Copeland used the pseudonym “Brittini Blaire Summerlin” and posted pornography and advice on chemically transitioning.

    So he wasn’t just cross-dressing, he was actively interested in transitioning, to the point that he was able to advise others. He also apparently did not have overt anti-LGBTQIA+ values, beyond being a member of the GOP.

    Honestly, I’m sad for him, and for his family who apparently knew and loved him as he was. In a small town, you often don’t get to choose unless you choice involves moving away, and sometimes you just get trapped. I get the sense he was one of these: a good person, trapped not just in the wrong body but in the wrong town, where you’re either a church-goin’ Trumper or openly hated and ostracized.

    I know there will be a lot of cheer about leopard face eating and karmic retribution, but I won’t be joining in this time. If he were full in he’d have made open anti-LGBTQIA+ statements instead of embracing it, albeit anonymously, in his online personas. No leopard here. I feel nothing but sorrow for this man and his family.

    But the rest of the small minded fucks in his small minded town who were laughing and pointing? And the asshole who outed him? Now THAT’S a different story, and I hope their laughter becomes a curse to them.

    • CosmicTurtle@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      I love what John Oliver said on his segment about I believe Lindsay Graham.

      Paraphrasing, he could have helped usher in the change that would have made his lifestyle more acceptable and more inclusive. But he wanted power.

      These people choose to be a Republican. They choose to associate with a party that is actively trying to eliminate the very people they are and the sad thing is that they think they are the exception. They think the party will accept them.

      And the hard, harsh truth is that they are only accepted so long as it’s convenient. I think he knew this and that’s why he chose to end his life.

      It’s sad that he felt he had to do that. But I’m not holding my breath for the GOP to say that they learned a lesson from it.

      • HandBreadedTools@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        Being a mayor of a small town and being a US Senator or even House Rep are two very different things. It is very likely that, despite being Republican, he did nothing to further Republicanism with the power that he did have.

        Most of the time, mayors really just do small town mayor shit like approving a tree to be cut down or asking the state for a road to be fixed. They’re not usually involved with politics in the way Lindsey fucking Graham is.

    • PotatoesFall@discuss.tchncs.de
      9 months ago

      He also apparently did not have overt anti-LGBTQIA+ values, beyond being a member of the GOP.

      Yes and (?) was never antisemitic, beyond being member of the nazi party. (???)

      If you are part of a party that stands STAUNCHELY against queers, you don’t deserve solidarity for being queer.

      • havokdj@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        You can blame that on the US’s bipartisan system rather than the multiparty system it is supposed to be.

        What other option would he have, the democrats? What if there are things that they did he didn’t agree with either? 3rd party is out the window because it would take minimum 2 elections to get their candidate in office.

        • enthusiasticamoeba@lemmy.ml
          8 months ago

          Oh no, poor guy had literally no choice but to participate in a corrupt system by going into politics and becoming a mayor 😭

          Get the fuck outta here.

          • havokdj@lemmy.world
            8 months ago

            Ah yes, you shouldn’t go into politics to make the changes you would like to see because the “system is corrupt”

            Man, imagine being that retarded. The forefathers would have never revolted against the British if that logic actually made any sense whatsoever.

              • havokdj@lemmy.world
                8 months ago

                Whoops! It seems like you may of missed what I wrote, no worries though, I got you covered.

                Ah yes, you shouldn’t go into politics to make the changes you would like to see because the “system is corrupt”

                Man, imagine being that retarded. The forefathers would have never revolted against the British if that logic actually made any sense whatsoever.

                Fighting evil with evil doesn’t make you a good guy. Don’t be evil, you can defeat fascists while still being a decent human being.

        • afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
          8 months ago

          Plenty of options. Didn’t have to be a shaman, didn’t have to live in a sheit tier state, didn’t have to run for public office, didn’t have to support the GOP. He went up to the leopard and screamed “eat my face”.

          • havokdj@lemmy.world
            8 months ago

            I mean, he was 62 years old you know, not like he could just turn his life around on a dime given the position he was in.

            The dude was not hurting anyone. He clearly wanted to help operate the city, you have zero chance of winning with the democratic party in the vast majority of deep south states. Being a part of a party does not mean you believe in every single view that someone in your party holds, why do you think half the GOP is trying to get rid of Trump?

            And would you stop with this leopard eating shit? I have read it here like 40,000 times. Suicide isn’t a joke, this is borderline not even a story about politics FFS. Save it for actually funny shit.

            • afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
              8 months ago

              Boy that leopard is getting fat. Must be from all the faces it is eating. He fed the leopard for fucking decades.

              You really think his church gives a shit? I bet during their weekly pretend time this morning they were celebrating.

              • havokdj@lemmy.world
                8 months ago

                Did I say anything about a church?

                Are you an actual human being? I don’t give a shit about the church, I don’t give a shit about religion in general at all actually.

                The fact you mentioned that raises my suspicion that you are a bot or something

                • afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
                  8 months ago

                  I am mentioning the church. He was a leader for a denomination of Christianity infamous for the degree of its anti-LGBT stances. Decades feeding the hate machine. And I bet you anything that today they those people who said a thousand good morning to him are happy that he killed himself.

                  The final unavoidable conclusion of Christianity is to kill its own.

  • some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org
    8 months ago

    He added that it would “not cause my life to change.”

    Well, that was wrong. /s

    Seriously, though… it’s almost as though being a member of a hate-group (conservatism) results in terrible outcomes when you’re on the outs with said group.

  • Guydht@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Yo what’s up with lemmy’s being psychos saying they don’t care he died since he was a republican

    The man was publicly humiliated (by his standards) to the whole world and ya’ll encourage it?

    Whoever published the blog should be sentenced.