Huawei has unveiled a self-developed operating system called the HarmonyOS NEXT. At the development event, the CEO described the OS as fully independent with a full-stack AI framework. The CEO has also claimed that the Harmony kernel is three times more efficient than Linux.

    8 months ago

    That’s seriously overlooking decades of Linux being optimized for embedded/mobile/cloud/desktop… computing and billions having been invested in engineering efforts by companies like Google, AMD, Nvidia, MediaTek, Intel, Facebook, Microsoft, Red Hat, … for which every bit squeezed out of the hardware means millions in operating costs saved. Sure there are niches where Linux isn’t the best fit for the job, but with such widespread usage and support, you are almost guaranteed to be reaching peak performance for whatever device it’s running on, with the category of devices HarmonyOS is targeting being amongst the one having the most eyeballs.

    I don’t believe anything, I want numbers and hard evidence, and then you’ll see me cheering.