Huawei has unveiled a self-developed operating system called the HarmonyOS NEXT. At the development event, the CEO described the OS as fully independent with a full-stack AI framework. The CEO has also claimed that the Harmony kernel is three times more efficient than Linux.

        8 months ago

        It does not. The Linux kernel is not a multikernel OS and HarmonyOS is. Now Harmony does indeed implement the ability to bring in a modified ASOP to provide Android app compatibility, but the actual OS that supervises that isn’t Linux based, though it does provide a UNIX environment.

        The reason HarmonyOS works well with the devices is because the OS and the devices are being built by the same person. It’s likely that HarmonyOS would run like ass or not at all on anything not made by Huawei, it’s also why the OS is mostly closed source with some open parts.

        But just because they both present a UNIX environment, does not mean HarmonyOS is or derived from Linux. They are indeed two different OSes with fundamentally different approaches to managing the underlying system.

      8 months ago

      It is a multikernel OS. It can use the Linux kernel (usually on more powerful phones), or switch to a lighter kernel Huawei built (on weaker phones / IoT stuff). I’m guessing they are saying here that the lighter kernel is much more efficient, at least for the tasks it is optimised for.