Do you know any open source alternatives to Notion? I found a few FOSS apps, but they all lack most of Notion features

    10 months ago

    I never manage to get into foam coming from Obsidian, possibly because I use VSCode/Codium for coding, so it’s hard for my brain to adapt and appreciate all the pkm things (same reason Dendron didn’t stick either). Plus I’ll admit I’m getting used to the live preview thing. Sorry if I ask, do you use it for note taking or general work management?

      10 months ago

      I am using it as both. I try to adapt Zettelkasten with todos, inbox and a personal knowledgebase, but also try to manage my Meeting notes, Project information etc. I loved the idea of Obsidian, but wanted to use FOSS stuff, but damn, Obsidian is great and I always feel a little annoyed by Foam+VS Code because it constantly fucks up my tabs layout, closes the graph and, coming from Notion too, is not as fluent. mentioned Anytype and I tried it this morning, but I cannot wrap my head around how to properly implement Zettelkasten and something like a folder structure so I think I’ll drop it, even though I was really interestet.

      A coworker gave me a tour of Obisian just now and the features it has make it hard to avoid.