The fem-cel community has already accepted me even though I’m a cis straight white guy who’s asexual (so voluntarily celibate) but I’m happy I can now finally check one box and accept myself as a femcel.
But are you voluntarily celibate if you are asexual? I don’t mean it as a gatcha or something, but as a philosophical question.
In my social circle, the asexual people seem like they would probably prefer to be non- asexual because it is easier to find a partner for life if sex is not a no-go. So clearly their asexuality is not voluntary, they just are what they are. now acting on the involuntary part of yourself, is that a voluntary action?
(Sidenote: I am not saying that these asexual people aren’t accepting who they are, or think it is bad that they are what they are. Personally I think being pansexual is the best because you got all the options, while I seem to be straight and I am very comfortable with it and feel like I am living a comfortable and fulfilling life with my partner. So I really mean 0 hate towards asexual people or anyone else. I am just talking about the practical impaction of sexualities in our given social norm)
Much like anything else, being asexual is a spectrum. It took me a very long time to figure out I was and that’s because I personally didn’t get any physical satisfaction out of sex, but I enjoyed the part where I made my partner absolutely melt with pleasure. Feeling romantic or emotional pleasure from sex is not uncommon, especially when coupled with someone who gets a ton of pleasure from it. That being said, I haven’t had sex in over a year, and from the way things look, I’m not going to for a very long time. I won’t say it’s voluntary though it’s definitely not because my partner doesn’t want to.
Oh interesting 🤔 from the people that I have a more in-deph conservation, I understood that sex wasn’t enjoyable for them because they felt really uncomfortable with it which resulted in a non-satisfying experience for the partner and in turn, generated a feeling of failure to be a good partner in them.
It is really interesting to hear different perspectives. Thanks for sharing and please anyone who wants to, share with me your thoughts and feelings on the matter!
I would assume that there are different ‘reasons’ that cause the broader feel of asexuality. Mine is a complete apathy for the want or need of it. I can enjoy making others feel good, such as giving them a massage in a normal way. I can feel that my work towards helping them feel good is rewarding in and of itself.
I figured out my side of things when after being with my partner for many years I was getting increasingly frustrated that while they were able to enjoy the experience for what seemed perpetual, my side of things remained the same, regardless of whatever was done. To feel the same for oral or penetrative felt like something was wrong to me so I started looking around st other types of options. I did whatever appealed to me but in the end none of it changed anything for me.
For other people, they may have a different kind of situation where the act in any form is uncomfortable due to either a personality quirk or in some a complete lack of empathy. Something that is blocking them from experiencing what is in effect a ‘really intense massage’ that some people crave. I’m not going to try and list all the various societal/personal/learned behaviors people have about sex across the globe which may play a part in their enjoyment/need/desire for sex.
Oh interesting! Thanks for sharing. I didn’t expect from you to be able to explain it all. I just love hearing different perspectives as it opens my eyes to aspects that I missed.
It’s a spectrum. For example you’re friends who wish they weren’t asexual are valid and are asexual. I do not feel the same way.
I have the ability I don’t have the desire. I actually have children. I’ve also had girlfriends suggest various things like maybe I have low testosterone. Never got checked for low t. It’s not something I’m really interested in fixing. I’d compare it to wanting crack cocaine. You don’t want it now, maybe there is a way to make you want it… Why tho? Seems like an extra complication to life. As for relationships: the ones I’ve had haven’t been great. The ones my friends have don’t seem all that great either.
I’m good. I’ve got my books and no desire for anything more . What is there to fix? Why should I fix it if I’m already fine? Why should I make myself want more than I already have if I’m already happy? You normal people don’t seem all that happy with it, why would I want it? I’m good .
How much time do you spend trying to get sex or a relationship? How much time would you save if you… Didn’t… And you didn’t want it? Why would you want to want something so time consuming.
Edit: what i mean is from my view point people are basically asking “why don’t you try to create this void in your soul then Spend your entire life working on filling it… Mostly unsuccessfully, and failed attempts will be very very painful, but one day you MIGHT fill the void and you’ll be happy because that void is now filled!”
Why the fuck would I want that. It sounds awful. You guys go right ahead tho. I’m not judging. I’m just say “nah man I’m good”
Thanks for sharing. I totally see your point. When I was younger, the need and the availability to satisfy it really didn’t line up. Kinda sucked.
It sounds to me like you are aromantic too. Am I catching that right? I would separate chasing a relationship from chasing sex.
Personally I need a partner and a sex life. Wanting a teammate for life is the best thing to me. The other is just really fun to me.
Anyway thanks for sharing! It was really interesting reading your perspective!
I wouldn’t call my self aromantic by definition. It.more just bitterness from my past. I would like to have a “soulmate” but the pain involved in finding one isn’t worth it to me. So in practice I’m aromantic but there is a desire for companionship. Just not enough of a desire.
Ohhhh!! My bad! I hope you can heal and eventually fate makes you stumble onto someone worth your time and love. Take care! And good luck!
Listen I get that these people have never taken a science class, but I damn well know at least some of them watched Jurassic Park.
Their eyes glazed over at the science bits
Are we moving to inspecting genetalia? Can you be both a woman and a man in Trump’s America?
I imagine if you are XY with CAIS, yes? I mean they love to talk about chromosomes and genitalia and now reproductive cells and you’d be genotypically male but phenotypically female and infertile.
No, they need reproductive cells to decide whether they’re big or small - they need to watch you masturbate (for formerly male NBs) to completion
Trans women loves this one weird trick that trans men hate!
Turns out they were always asking, “What is a woman?” because they had no idea either.
It’s a bad faith question that deserves a hillarious answer
“What is a woman? Why it’s someone whom, family members aside, you’ve never seen naked.”
“What is a woman? The kind of people at the bar who cover their drinks when you get too close.”
“What is a woman? Well these curvy people who smell nice and go by she/her pronouns and sometimes they have big meaty penises to suck, but only if you’re lucky.”
That’s always what I figured, that they’d fumble if you turned the questiong around asked them to define woman or man. Buncha chumps.
Nah, they have no issue with a tautological definition. “A woman is a female human that’s born a girl” makes perfect sense to anyone that’s asking anyone else to define what a woman is.
They had months to draft the definition in the executive order. Perhaps more than a year if it was started internally by Project 2025. They still fucked it up.
That’s not true though. Sex is defined by the chromosomes, not the organs and they don’t suddenly change after 6 weeks. This definition however leaves intersexual people out, but that’s certainly intentional
Males are just females with one badly deformed X-chromosome, a dick and a ridiculous amount of testosterone.
No. Sex is determined by genes. Usually SRY, but other genes play a role in sexual determination.
It’s defined based on which reproductive cell the animal produces. Larger means female, smaller means male. Producing both is intersex. In humans, the SRY gene usually sets the path towards male development. But not always. Sometimes the person is insensitive to testosterone and won’t produce either large or small gamates, for example. Hence, xx or xy chromosomes don’t define sex. And chromosomes alone don’t determine it, but the entire gene code.
The EO tried to dodge science, and failed. Because sex isn’t binary, and attempting to make it binary ends up with nonsense like making everyone legally sexless.
Does this not mean there are no makes or females in the US, only undefined?
name checks out (the [they/she] part)
Hello ladies
And people said I’d never meet a nice woman…
I guess we can completely get rid of Hey Guys now.
Hey guuuurrrll!
It’s cool and all to dunk on their logical fallacies, but don’t think for one second that their poor wording will stop them from enacting untold violence against trans people.
No question. But the memes are copium for this dark age we are entering. 😭
Maybe this will help now to make visible the issues of the new female population
The new female population makes up, worldwide about 75% to 80% of all the suicides
They also die nearly 6 years before the old female population
The new female population, also gripes with mental health professionals usually offering the same options for treatment to old and new female population.
Not only that, when controlling for job title, experience and education as well as number of hours worked the pay gap is only 1%, between the old female population, which in that case earn 99 cents for each dollar earned by each member of the new female population.
“All female employees must pose nude if requested”
…that’s not how that works.
Early stages of development are bipotential, which means they could develop either way, they’re not initially female.
Around 6-7 weeks, if carrying a Y chromosome carrying the gene SRY, they develop into testes. If there are two X chromosomes, then ovaries develop.
But aren’t the sex chromosomes decided at the moment of conception (or even with the sperm/egg). They need to work on their bigotry, it’s frankly just basic biology. “their legal gender is their sex chromosomes upon conception”. Although that opens another can of worms for those people whose chromosomes don’t match their genitals, but I’m sure they can throw a few asterisks in there to sort that out.
Except it is pointless to talk about any of that, since the order defines what male and female means.
Males are those belonging at conception to the sex producing small reproductive cells (aka sperm).
Females are those belonging at conception to the sex producing large reproductive cells (aka eggs).
Since at conception I (and everyone else) did not produce either, I am now neither male nor female according to the new definitions.
These posts just show that the loudest people on the left are just as scientifically illiterate as the loudest people on the right :( I mean, it’s mostly just reading with understanding they fail at, not even lacking knowledge…
Except in cases like Swyer syndrome where even with a Y chromosome, gonads won’t develop properly and the person will develop normal female genitals instead.
I looked more into Swyer syndrome, and, those who have it (out of 334 million, about 4 thousand people suffer from this) and it looks like they are female. I wasn’t able to find any studies where testosterone was given over estrogen, and female sex organs and female puberty is usually developed.
Still, even if they were in a state of in-between forever, they still wouldn’t be anything other than in between the two options. There is no third option.
This. It’s incredible how people miss this little important fact
…So we’re all legally non-binary? NBs rise up!
No, it’s very binary, because it’s either or.
Right, but if you start as bi-potential, then you aren’t one or the other, but are in an a tertiary in between state.
Yes, but you’re not born like that, you are one or the other.
Isnt that kind of the point? The EO specifies at conception, not at birth. Birth has nothing to do with this.
The point is, it’s binary. Non binary would mean there’s a lot of different options. There’s not. Just two.
I know what you’re saying, but how is this any different than non-binary people that are between the binary of male and female…? Male and female are binary, but if at conception you are in an in-between state, that doesn’t get more non-binary lol.
So if all men were women at conception, then that would make all men transsexual…
Best news I’ve heard all week.