It’s funny that the CEO of this company was killed because UnitedHealth are a bunch of lying assholes who deceive people with promises of coverage, then don’t deliver, and they angered the wrong dude…
and now in response UnitedHealth are broadening their deceit with fradulent DMCA takedown notices.
They think more deception is the answer, because they don’t know anything else.
They’ve always hid behind the legal system, a system that protects capital. They’re just upset that there was an anomaly in the legal system meant to protect them, and now they’re pulling out all the stops, clinging to the legal system, wondering why it still allows people to even speak out against the corporatocracy.
It’s funny that the CEO of this company was killed because UnitedHealth are a bunch of lying assholes who deceive people with promises of coverage, then don’t deliver, and they angered the wrong dude…
and now in response UnitedHealth are broadening their deceit with fradulent DMCA takedown notices.
They think more deception is the answer, because they don’t know anything else.
They’ve always hid behind the legal system, a system that protects capital. They’re just upset that there was an anomaly in the legal system meant to protect them, and now they’re pulling out all the stops, clinging to the legal system, wondering why it still allows people to even speak out against the corporatocracy.
Nobody’s ever gotten in trouble for fraudulent DMCA notices, because the justice department doesn’t care to enforce it.